Midnight Pub

Searching for a new place


I had a capsule over at rawtext.club. Something happened? I don't know what. But it was down for days, and is now back with a message about rebuilding. Hmm.

I've learned from previous total data loss incidents, and I'm fine. I might've lost a gemlog entry or two, but I should be okay, I've been backing things up very regularly. Everything's saved to a private git repo, but I'm wondering where to go from here. The easiest approach would be to find another tilde. Or maybe I go the self-hosting route, get a new memory card, put Raspbian on it, get my Pi working again, etc etc? I don't know. But I felt like I wanted to write about this outside of my usual social media haunts, the ones attached to my real name. So I'm writing about it here.


has been solid for me for gemini, http, and gopher.



thanks, i'll give that a look.



Welcome aboard! My experience here has been consistently positive.

I’ve been half-heartedly looking for a new tilde for awhile (had a bad experience on one of the bigger ones, and most others share e.g. an IRC server). I contacted a Spanish-language tilde (texto-plano.xyz) awhile back but never heard anything, and their site now says they haven’t been accepting new members since at least February 2024. I’m most tempted by SDF since it seems like the biggest “independent” setup, but am not 100% sure what I would actually *do* there. I barely have the time and/or inclination to keep up my presence here and on a couple discord servers.

None of this is directly relevant to you, of course. I will say that self-hosting can be fun if you find the right apps, but it does leave one in isolation for the most part. All the more so now that search engines are becoming increasingly worthless.



Honestly, self-hosting could be okay, I just don't want to deal with the actual upkeep of maintaining a server of my own, you know? My day job involves servers and software and I think as far as geminispace goes, I just wanna be a user.



I hear you -- I probably wouldn’t feel differently were I in your shoes.

For just plain hosting a simple web site, neocities.org is where it’s at. (Or you actually get some web space with an account here on the midnight, if you weren’t aware.) Beyond that it starts to get more complicated, as I’m sure you know.

It does sound like a tilde or something would be the best approach. My bad experience isn’t necessarily universal, and I certainly found good people on there too. The only development I’m doing these days is front-end (and even that inconsistently), so a tilde is potentially overkill for me, but again, YMMV.
