Do you chat on Matrix? We have a Matrix room set up for the Pub and I think you'd make a nice addition.
A weary and dusty traveler shuffles into the bar, slips a business card back into his jacket pocket, and takes a look around to get the measure of the place. A motley crew of vagabonds, salesmen, entertainers, writers, and freethinkers fill the Midnight, chatting in small groups over lukewarm beer. Among the various patrons of the bar, one particularly odd creature stands out, balancing upright on long tentacles with constantly moving eyestalks scanning the scene.
Lifting a flatcap off his head and running a hand over his bald pate, the traveler takes a long breath and steadies himself. After a moment, he places the cap back on his head and chuckles softly to himself. Perhaps the whispered rumors he had heard about the Midnight Pub would turn out to be right after all...
Walking up to bar, Tracker signals to the bartender and orders a rooibos tea. Just the thing to warm him up after the long walk here.
Do you chat on Matrix? We have a Matrix room set up for the Pub and I think you'd make a nice addition.
Welcome, fellow traveler and rooibos tea enthusiast! One for me, as well, ~bartender! Yes, alongside some nature-based migraine wundermittel, thanks.
This place attracts a lot of odd fellas, doesn't it? But that is what this place makes so special in the first place. This pub is exactly what you need after a long day.
The man at the counter turns to the fellow patron greeting him and smiles. "Nice to meet you. The name's Tracker. I ran across this business card for the Midnight Pub a few months ago during a visit to Nightfall City, but I just haven't had (or made) the time to stop by and see the place. It's quite something in here, isn't it?"
He pauses for a moment to take a sip of his tea and then resumes. "What brings you here tonight, other than the rooibos tea, of course? Heard any good stories lately?"
Oh, nothing that is worth talking about.
And... well, Midnight is the best place to clear your mind from everyday stress. But I would be lying if I claimed that the atmosphere Midnight radiates does not attract me like a street lantern attracts a moth. It seems to have a similar effect on you, as well.
Hello Tracker, welcome and enjoy . Have a seat ┬─┬ .
Settling himself in at the bar, the newcomer turns to the one speaking to him and nods genially. "Thanks very much. The name's Tracker. I've passed by the Midnight Pub a few times during previous trips to Nightfall City, but this is my first time actually coming in and getting a drink. I think I like what I see thus far. What brings you here? Heard any good stories lately?"