Midnight Pub


Hi, denizens of the Pub.

I am known as the Software Pagan. I am a libertine heathen polyglot and aspiring homesteader in central North America.

I am a little bit new age, and a little bit bronze age.

Politically I definitely lean left but I feel almost all meaning has been removed from the terms right/left wing. Currently I identify as politically homeless.

I can also be found at

2025-03-18 Ending Eld (an exercise in writing poetry quickly in simple meter)
2025-03-11 Proprietary Software Hell
2025-03-07 Lost
2025-01-25 Despair.
2024-10-30 Perspective
2024-10-28 Cubicle Hell
2024-07-06 The Fluctuating Coolness of Geekdom
2024-06-12 Wassail!