Midnight Pub

Contextual Pizza


I've been finally losing weight after years of simply refusing to deal with the problem. It was nothing too terrible--just an extra 40 pounds and change, but it definitely made itself felt in my feet and knees when running or doing tai chi. After about 4 months I'm finally getting close to the target weight I set, which upon reaching I promised myself a single piece of pizza. I shouldn't have done that.

Aside from the myriad problems arising from the 'food-as-reward' mindset, there is a philosophical issue raising its head that the students in Epicurus' Garden school were no doubt familiar with: A real pizza slice simply cannot meet the near-mythical expectations I've assigned to this *particular* piece of food. While pizza remains perhaps the sole redeeming feature of agricultural civilization, I think I might have to just let this promised reward go.

Conflating the symbolic representation with the actual is fraught in so many unexpected ways.


"pizza remains perhaps the sole redeeming feature of agricultural civilization"

I'd venture to say this is 100% fact :)
