Midnight Pub

what’s work for?


For this month’s chat at work, I’ll be coordinating a talk about… work.

Literally that’s the subject I’ve been assigned so I started looking for angles apart from what’s been suggested:

Is work only necessary to earn a living?

To contribute to society

For personal growth

Well for me is mostly the first one but I guess all three are there in some percentage. I mean, taxes go to contributing to society, the services I created along with the team are used by a lot of people for entertainment purposes, so that counts too (work experience is also there somewhere).

I could list other reasons for the kind of work I do: provide social security for my family, a reasonable cushion for life events. In my situation as an immigrant it would be very hard to do the above as a freelancer and take some time for something other than work.


I think work is what you have to do to put food on the table and a roof over your head. If you weren't forced to do it by some outside pressure, you probably wouldn't refer to it as work, right?



I agree. For me, work today is a deal: "so many braincycles/time" in exchange for "so many units of convertible currency". This enables me to have food, living space, and a number of luxuries. However, work has always been there in order to have food and shelter, in order to make tomorrow come.



Most work in modern capitalist society is for making rich assholes even richer.
