The first step is always the biggest, so congratulations on that.
Regardless of what you think about twelve-step programs, I think their first and second steps are salient to anyone who has ever struggled with addictions or destructive habits 1) that you are powerless to overcome your addiction alone, and 2) that there is a greater power that can restore you to sanity.
By the first step, I take it to mean that you cannot will yourself out of destructive behaviours once they have become habits. Maybe one out of one hundred people can, but if you were in that group you would have given porn up a long time ago.
A habit, be it a drug, drink, or porn habit, instills rituals and patterns of behaviour that are deeply ingrained in an individual's life, and all contribute to the furtherance of that bad habit. Any particular person who has a drinking habit doesn't just drink a lot, they have rituals that reinforce and accompany the drinking. This alcoholic has a habit of going to the bar after work, a habit of meeting up with other derelict drinkers, a habit of timing his drinking to avoid the scrutiny of friends and family, and a habit of using alcohol has a crutch. If he were to disturb one or all of these habits, he can make the habit of drinking wither away. It would do this man no good to tell himself, "today I am putting down the bottle for good," if he decides to meet-up with his drinking pals anyways; the social aspect is also why the peer support model of AA has endured.
Porn is a much more difficult addiction to tackle because it isn't tied to time-and-place like drug habits are, provided that you have a more-or-less 24/7 access to porn through your devices. Nonetheless, there is a way forward. Think less about avoiding porn than avoiding what happens before you start consuming porn. Become aware of your state of mind in the lead-up to watching it, such as the feelings of boredom that lead you to seek out porn. Once your wheels slip into one of those old ruts, it is hard to stop yourself from watching porn. Break those patterns first, and your interest in porn will dissipate. Habits are the key.
The second step is the one that can make a lot of people wince because of the religious overtones, but I think it's much more than a "come-to-Jesus" call. I like what Paul Tillich had to say about God — that it is your "ultimate concern." Find the thing in your life that is most important to you, especially that you follow and respect in an unconditional and reverent manner, and that is more or less your God. Family, friends, service, justice, truth, any of these can be fitting ultimate concerns. This ultimate concern becomes your greater power, and your devotion to it can help provide you with meaning and allow yourself to avoid giving in to temptations.
Best of luck.