Well I've just started on 'creative writing' being short novels, crime fiction, erotic fiction.
Although I've been writing on my blog and technical docs for a few years, so the concept of writing is not that new for me. Making stories, characters and world wasn't easy.
That said, I can throw a few points:
- It's not about just starting but finishing, so try practicing of ending more stories.
- Start with short stuff. It's easy to overestimate our skills, and underestimate our idea. Writing short stuff helps me to reach faster to an end which makes sense, and helps with motivation and discipline.
- Something I do is talking about the story with some relative or friend, since I think faster than I write. Then I write what I remember of it.
- Sketch 7 or 10 main points about your story. "1 - The protagonist is born, 2 - They find a magic stone, 3 - That stone gives him superpowers... 8 - The stone is an evil god and everything was a trap, 9 - They put the stone in a space ship, 10 - Happy ending"
Sounds stupid, although it helps to shape up the story flow :)
- Read 'The War of Art'. Helped me to pass through my own mind, and understanding why I create stuff (most of the time just starting and never finishing anything)