Midnight Pub

So much for saving the world from links


Midnight Pub patron


reminded me


that browser and text readers can easily detect URLs not coded as html anchors, which has me thinking the species has become far too link addicted for one blogger to do anything about by attempting to make following URLs more difficult.

In fact, I click on such links in lynx and elinks all the time.... <blushes>

So I guess it's back to letting the species destroy itself as efficiently as possible....


Hey ~inquiry,

I often surprise folks by typing (even lengthy) URLs right into the address bar :)

That being said, the copy+pasting would maybe reduce the careless visit of shady URLs --- alas, it is much easier for the IT department to tell everyone "you stupid idiot clicked on that link". But it would be a lot less cleaning up damages by just disabling the automatism. And for that reason I don't use terminal window, which "recognize" URLs. I rather (partially) copy and paste. Cheers!



Ugh... sorry for the reply followup mess... something about what I uploaded didn't "take" right... something in it was interpreted as being more than just text... and now I can't delete those entries either.

I really need to get the hell off online given all the heartache and misery lurking around its every corner....



The remove link is simple (while you are logged in):


where #### is the number of your post



Nice. Thanks!



Don't worry.

In my firefox thing there is a "remove" link ... maybe that can help?



Love the "click-throttle" term!

As for Firefox, well, part of my minimalism years back was switching to a Chromebook (yeah, I know...) after learning of its "Terminal" app that let's me have whatever form of Linux it provides. I suppose I could get Firefox to work in/from that environment somehow, but imagine more Murphy's Law along the way than even marriage delivers... so....



Hi ew.

Interesting. Beyond potential "increased safety", I see your personal policy of typing in links as even better than copy/paste of URLs in terms of slowing down click rush.

That has me suddenly imagining a voluntarily used script to slow down click frenzy even more that reads a URL from stdin, clears the screen, then doesn't echo it back to stdout until some predefined amount of time (one minute, say). It would be up to the user whether they typed or pasted a URL into its stdin.

Obviously, one could simply wait a minute, but why not let a script keep track of that time?

For example:

#! /usr/bin/env lua
local url = io.stdin:read('*l')


A click-throttle!

And by the time your URL gets "accepted", you might not need it any more :)




Hi ew.

Interesting. Beyond potential "increased safety", I see your personal policy of typing in links as even better than copy/paste of URLs in terms of slowing down click rush.

That has me suddenly imagining a voluntarily used script to slow down click frenzy even more that reads a URL from stdin, clears the screen, then doesn't echo it back to stdout until some predefined amount of time (one minute, say). It would be up to the user whether they typed or pasted a URL into its stdin.

Obviously, one could simply wait a minute, but why not let a script keep track of that time?

For example:

#! /usr/bin/env lua
local url = io.stdin:read('*l')