Midnight Pub





4chan used to be like that. Every so often, one would be witness to the birth of a meme, or one could see the gradual development and evolution of one, and finally see it's "escape" into the larger internet, where one could see the "new" meme get used everywhere, and one would recognize it as the product of so many developments to which one was witness, hell, one could have even helped shaped it into what it had become. At some point, long after I had stopped using 4chan, I would go to reddit and see a lot of the lingo from 4chan being used there, especially by teenagers.

It is also interesting, every once in a while I may go there, just for a peek, and I see a lot of the old memes have become standard lingo on the site, and considering how just about everybody from a decade ago has stopped using it altogether, how every user in there is relatively new to the site, it's interesting seeing how they adopt the lingo without having ever been there when it developed, and they may not even know where it came from, but they use it nevertheless.

Even all those soyjaks that people keep using. It's interesting to see them as the current stage in their evolution, an eventful life they've had, and one cannot help but feel some sympathy for them, even though they represent some of the worst of that community.

I did have some good times there, and at some point I experienced that "FOMO" of seeing the development of new ebin maymays, of new habbedings, when one is immersed in that medium and spending half of one's life there, it seems awfully important not to miss the big moments, but as one ages, who would want to spend their life posting on a lebanese artistic knotting forum? :^)



have you tried mastadon?



a Brookism comes to mind (hockey coach of 1980 Olympic team):

"you guys play worse every day, and right now you're playing like it's next Tuesday"

..Mastodon is NOW what Twitter was in 2018. Masto onboarded and peaked its function (from where Im sitting) in 2017/18, and it's a great "methadone" for those leaving Twitter, but lacks the hype (albeit naive) hype that AIM or/and Twitter had in their hey day.



huh, that's interesting

i only just heard of it

but i also never was twatting

guess i missed all the hubalub



better off tbh



figured as much ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)



yes I was there after leaving twitter

I am not wanting to use a social media platform, or in any way "wanting" a service like it (birsite, masto, whatever) again, just the memories are good (mostly) from those eras (both twitter/aim), and sometimes yearn for a (new) thing like it



ah, i feel ya

after i left reddit

i had been using

various lemmy instances

but it's, like you said

just not the same

the reddit after the digg migration

was a new and fresh place

there's not another place that can

replicate that magic
