Midnight Pub




Wonderful day, although I wrote here incorrectly about anticipated pre-planned events.

First thing I did after returning home was upgrade a Midnight Pub monitoring script. Seems to be fine, although that was based on a contrived test. It'll take a little time through real updates to see whether I nailed it.

I think the biggest effect of the US election me is that people I used to consider intelligent now seem easy manipulation targets with faith in legacy news media that should make lesser faith most Christians have in God ashamed. The former are people of faith par excellence, despite also being people who mock others of faith. It's mind-bogglingly insane.

So... I don't hate them, or even merely dislike them. I pity them, and sadly feel about the best relationship I can have with them is one of humoring them, because it's clear to me serious discussion with them would be a waste of time.


Holy brain freeze: in the previous entry I'd not remembered that we've a half day of grandson sitting (third birthday coming up on October 31) *before* we head out for the granddaughter baseball game and sweet sixteen birthday party. And I swear I had but two glasses of red last night....

My gosh, how I've identified with stuff in the following:

2024-09-08 Gemini wandering

Yeah, I know it's not very nice to insert a gemini protocol link given you likely weren't reading this in a browser fluent in gemini... but then maybe it's no worse than an https site having a link an explanation of how to write "gemtext", including its non-inline link format?

But you've heard of "gemget", right?

No? Hmmm.

I can't remember where I got it, but the binary (gemget_1.9.0_linux_64-bit) was something I downloaded from somewhere. Sure, kind of a risky move. But gemini didn't mean enough to me to write my own browser thereof. I loved skyjake's (gemini://skyjake.fi/) Lagrange browser, but it was vast overkill - nevermind my preference for the terminal/command-line, being able to blast content directly into a vim session, etc.

This is going to be one of those days where I know I'll enjoy what's scheduled, but what I *really* want to do is rework my "mp-diff-mon" script per improvements that came to mind this morning. Hopefully I remember to visit the "mp.TODO" file I created documenting such, as memory gimmies seem to be mostly a thing of the past anymore.


Another blog I recently finally began to enjoy ("finally", because I'd been ignoring it in lynx because lynx doesn't translate, but a little while back I brought up an entry link in Chrome, which auto-translated it, and I was dumbfounded by the error of my quick-to-ignore ways):

Difficult Cases in Speech

The latest entry was particularly enjoyable for being the dishwasher in/of the family.

Kind of racing against the clock, here, while finishing out breakfast with leftover popcorn and a favorite delightfully biting cheese. (NOTE: the most fulfilling methodology for me is: bite of cheese, a chew or two, and a handful of popcorn to blend in with the cheese/saliva mash).

And I meant clock literally, as I've heard my wife's alarm go off twice, so I must find my marching boots and stretch a bit so I'm ready to march!


A solution to something about this new posting journey I'd been agonizing over hit me: maybe I don't have to gut posts that roll over the edge of the front page into the subsequent-pub-pages abyss? Maybe the fact they're no longer on the front pages is as good as their being utterly gone? You know, like "out of sight, out of mind" sense? Because how often does anyone ever go there? Honestly? In times where news is actually "olds" is it's solidified for more than a few hours, how could page two and beyond of this site seem at all worth embarking on?

It's bad dad joke time:

Q: What were liberals called in prehistoric times?
A: Cry-waaa-no-flaw-us wrecks

<winks to those not encased in a certain unnamed news media protective bubble invisible to the encased>

It's going to a busy day. We're traveling to a remote field to watch a granddaughter in her traveling baseball team role. Then we're off to a surprise birthday party for her: no less than version sweet sixteen. I"d normally be a little grumpy about that, because I'm of the mind that we can all visit with each other right here in town, even at each others' house such that there's far less overhead to our interaction. But... well, I guess making extra effort has a way of sweetening the experience pot, *so*....

2024-10-29-06:13:18-Tuesday-1 - The blog within

Good morning, you various fluid-a-holics, you!

I was just wading through the output of the various link monitors I have running, and it slowly hit me that these blogs have been intriguing, both for faithfully bubbling forth my kind 'o content, and for being updated fairly regularly:

thehypocrite - Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.
An Open Letter - A digital journal

And of *course* the first was extra intriguing for making me wonder if I've heard its howling elsewhere <measured wink> <measured wink>.

Oh. And here's a gopherspace phlog I've enjoyed for a while:

FREE THOUGHTS - By The Free Thinker

I even emailed its author (originally typed: other) once for a specific entry firing all my cylinders.

Speaking of blog/phlog/gemlog awareness, anyone here familiar with this "place"?:

Blue Dwarf

I've have many good reading times there, especially in the comments/replies. I even had an account there for a while, but just didn't feel like I fit in because I tend to be more about weirdness coming to mind than link sharing - this entry *obviously* not being too good an example of that.

Anyway, another day, another entries-subdivided post. This posting style is feeling rather right. Not that feelings ever last forever, or even a week, mind you. But, you know: let's see how it goes.