Midnight Pub

space-like curves, on the rocks


Been a bit since dropping in, good thing this place is open all night. Seems I'm just in time to catch up with some good conversations.

Time flows strangely in this place, and not just with it always being Midnight. We can drop in anytime and catch up even if the table has already cleared out. Did ~m15o and ~bartender put this place next to an Einstein-Rosen bridge?

I was walking back from the edge of a sphere where ~inquiry said twilight would be, and he even brought coffee. Ran into a fellow who was looking for directions to the Pub. I told him, "You can't get to there from here. But you can get to now from then."

Four days of record-level ice and snow and apparently more on the way. The Arctic is oversharing. There are additional nowheres to go, added to the list of Covid-inspired nowheres to go. The space-like equivalent of ~m15o's always now. It's always now, right here.

Is your always now, always here? Sometimes I forget where I put mine.

Why is it when you find your here, it's always in the last place you looked?


You can get to now from then, but how does one get to other than now?



It's tricky. Like waiting for tomorrow.






After reading you, I realized how midnight is a special time. It's stuck in between to days. Two realities. It's a start and an end. It's the middle of the night but also the early hours of the day.

I told him, "You can't get to there from here. But you can get to now from then."

I love that line! The great thing about a point in time that's both a begining and an end is that it's there and then. The world's asleep, but not the patrons here.

Why is it when you find your here, it's always in the last place you looked?

I have a theory, but I need more whisky to elaborate. Bartender, may I ask for some? Speaking of whisky, now is always now-er with it. Can we be "here" without being here? I wonder if "here" is a mental space. A construct that goes beyond reality. Can now exist without reality? It must, right? Since it's always now, no matter where we're at. It's always been now and will always be. For sure there are different degrees of now. For instance, now is very much now, and so is now. As I'm finishing my glass the concept of now fades away. Sign that I should get another round!



It may always be now, but so often our attention is on a then, a former now, or one yet to be. If now your glass is empty, you should definitely do something about it!
