(E.g. "Psst! Didja hear that fresh dog shit rubbed in a carefully tight counter-clockwise spiral has been curing your ail for generations?")
The verbiage here is far too similar to this song to be coincidental, right?
YouTube linkYes: but.
Older generations having hopelessly flawed relationships, a time-honored tradition that ties us all together. I'm suspecting that my grandfather has disowned the rest of his family. After bartering off all 100+ acres of high-quality land so that his second-time-married third wife (does that make her his third AND fourth wife? Do marriages work like presidential terms?) can Hoover up every single last dollar he owns before she leaves him, we now seemingly can't get ahold of him anymore. Getting older is realizing how not-rosy everything in life really is. It sucks learning the amazing people you idolized as a kid were really just alright at best.