Midnight Pub



As a true and proper addict, you found a way to go wriggling back to your fix :)

I don't blame you. If I had to stop drinking coffee I would be a very sad bog boy. There is a local cafe that makes, no joke, THE best cold brew I've ever had in my life. Black elixir. No additives, no sugar; just plain and delicious coffee with all of that rich bean flavor. If this is addiction, I don't want to be healthy.

Inflammation sucks. I have developed a sort of biphasic sleep schedule over the last couple of years (borne out of being a first-shifter) that has worked exceedingly well for me, and I've found that if I differ from this schedule too much I have terrible, terrible inflammation.

My problem tends to arise from not obeying the last stricture. The snooze button is well and truly my worst enemy. But if I do obey the power nap rule, I feel energized and ready to power through the rest of the day.


> I don't blame you. If I had to stop drinking coffee I
> would be a very sad bog boy. There is a local cafe that
> makes, no joke, THE best cold brew I've ever had in my
> life. Black elixir. No additives, no sugar; just plain
> and delicious coffee with all of that rich bean flavor. If
> this is addiction, I don't want to be healthy.

Yeah, no plan to stop. It's just that I have this problem with "moderation", you see. So hopefully I can keep it at two cups.

That said, going from one to two this morning led to, um.. considerable more knock-knock-knocking on bathroom's door....

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, given the log-jammy alternative.
