Midnight Pub





Not just you at all, but maybe on a different timescale for me. When the nerd-enthusiast message boards were the only places to chat (pre-myspace and pre-fb and thus pre-2005 or so), I would frequent those and knew quite a few people and site owners. There was enough mutual trust that we would do hardware swaps and sales without the buyer-seller safeguards of eBay.

When I was still on FB, I was in a few groups dedicated to specific bands, or architectural styles, or design. I browsed them frequently and commented and posted. Yet not once did I have a direct message or conversation with anyone else in the groups. Something about the way social media is structured is fundamentally different. It tends to make all conversation at-a-party-small-talk, or even worse drunk-argument-at-a-bar. Those message boards past (and this one) are like a gathering of a group of actual friends or at least friendly acquaintances where common interests are established simply by being there at all.

Some of those message boards are still around but the sites don't have private owners running them out of a labor of love, even if the content quality is still there (think the user forums of sites like anandtech or arstechnica).

And not to be dumping on/stereotyping a particular group, or to be insulting to anyone, but in terms of the nerd/tech sites that still have forums, nothing has ruined gaming like gaming culture. The hardware nerd who understands how the technology works and also likes gaming is a different kind of beast from the self-identified Gamer with a capital G. The latter seems to have overrun the former in online discourse. (Is my graybeard showing?)



Completely agreed. I think that things were fine a little later than that, even into the early facebook days, but I think the nature of these things have made things more difficult.



I've *always* found meeting new people online difficult, so dunno. But it really seems like the overall meaningfulness and homeliness of the internet is gradually dropping across the board. Maybe it's because of the sheer magnitude of digital distraction that gets blazed into our heads every day and overloads our brains to the point of general numbness and chronic social apathy. Net is, in my eyes, increasingly dominated by soulless corps trying to sell unnecessary shit, suck up attention or extract user data. Individuality — and, by extension, a drive to seek new distinct connections — is being overwhelmed by the noise of a billion-voice-strong, restless hive.



I think you are largely right. My experience has been slightly different, as I used to have a very easy time meeting new people online. The thing is that I no longer use corporate tools like Twitter, Facebook, things like that, and all the sites for specifically meeting new people suck now so I don't use them. I used to feel like the internet was a respite from IRL isolation, but lately it's felt just as isolated.



A little disclaimer first, I've never been one to make many friends online. I made some friends on IRC, but I was very active developing in that particular community. I also think the fediverse and initiatives like this place are potentially very good for that, in general they foster a healthy environment. The problem you perceive I think is due in large part to all the giant social media platforms being basically just a huge market/haverster of info on people to serve big capital, how can this promote meaningful human interactions?



Exactly, yes. Even spaces that once were useful, fun, etc, have been corrupted. It's a shame.



I would agree, although I might be slightly too young to remember in great detail how things worked upwards of ten years ago...I've made a small group of friends via discord, but I'm on their periphery, and it was accidental. Meeting on discord through hobbies probably ranks among the more common methods of meeting people online, these days, but any attempt I've made to do so intentionally outside this has been unsuccessful.

That existing connections are better facilitated is surely right. But the design of so much "social media" seems even to sustain these within such narrow confines of expression that the relationships are necessarily damaged or reduced. Both Instagram and Twitter encourage superficiality, the former in images and the latter in text. (Facebook dismisses itself from serious discussion.) Discord, and tools like it, are in theory preferable, but more often than not their communities have either far too many people to make yourself recognizable to anyone unless you engage with them obsessively, or so few that you're more or less trying to wedge your way into a clique.



I completely agree. I've found that the various parts of the Fediverse and also this site have been surprisingly good places to meet new people, but the mainstream internet today doesn't facilitate this. OkCupid was a great place to meet (even platonic) new people until about 2015, but in the 2000s it seemed people were in general much more open to meeting new people online. There were many great places to do this, but they're all either gone or have been ruined.



Not just you. Even within the confines of Twitter, I feel like I used to at least make virtual friends much more easily.

But, of course, a lot about me and my behavior has changed, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



I also feel like there used to be more spaces online specifically designed to facilitate this. Now they've all been turned into terrible smartphone-centric Tinder clones. And of course, society continues to atomize at alarming rates... I don't think I've changed that much in the past decade — I feel like everything around me has radically shifted.



Upon recent reflection, I think the difference is less a matter of “design” and more a result of scale. Small communities (and pubs) provide intimacy that is lost in the open internet.

Perhaps, we can hope, Gemini being “less” than the web will foster more small pubs.



I can see that too — even on platforms like Mastodon, which are similar to for-profit platforms like Twitter, the smaller pond facilitates friendships. But I still think there's been some fundamental shift in how people connect that has impeded this to some degree. I often struggle myself to connect with new people.
