Midnight Pub

As the dawn breaks


OK, I'm gonna leave the pub. At least for a while.

I know it's unfair to everyone (and to m15o) to take it out on the whole place (on the technical/implementation side this is probably the best forum on the entire internet right now, more for what it doesn't do than for what it does) when there's only one other patron I have a problem with, but... I'd rather just step outside for some fresh, less privileged racist air. To the peeps who are cool, we'll run into each other elsewhere hopefully.♥


I don't get it. Did I miss something?

But anyway, if you need to get some space, go for it. May you visit this place sometime.



I feel so bad to hear that - I reached out to hear more about what happened and take any action that must be taken. If you haven't received my message pleaaase send me details to m15o@posteo.net. <3



Huh. Similar sensations over at write.as.

And my current mood is such that the only thing coming to mind is "it must be me".

So, I.... dang........................... I really didn't want to have to leave *this* soon. But I can't see driving others away, so....

Hey folks, it's been really fun here! Apologies for apparently wrecking things per the above.
