Midnight Pub



I had a dream last night that was really sad. I can't remember anything of what happened, though. All I know is that I woke up and felt as though I'd been caught up in some desperately sad situation for several hours. It's only just now that the feeling's lifting.

Anyone here place much stock in synchronicities? A friend was telling me all about them, and soon after I stumbled upon a movie, the title of which is this friend's full name. Not only that, but the director and lead actress are people I went to middle school with. Funny!

After having gone so long without socializing with anyone (for obvious reasons), I find myself interested in what people have to say without any notion of what I actually want to hear them talk about. I wonder, when this is behind us, will friend-groups congregate for strangely valuable near-silent conversation...


I like to sit and stoke the fire while I listen to my friends converse about whatever. It's fun to pounce into a conversation when you have something particularly valuable or funny to add.

I also like to drop absurd conversation starter questions and then sit and listen. It's like the conversational equivalent of a hit and run, so much fun.

Regarding your dream, it's disconcerting to know that our mental state is so fickle that a morning can be ruined for something so innocent as a dream. I am not in control of my own brain. The concept of *I* is even up for question, am I my brain? Is my brain *I*?

Bartender, drinky now please



Synchronicities always feel like Someone is trying to tell me something.

I am looking forward to being in a room with people I like. We barely have to talk at all.



I am an inveterate introvert and feel this.
