Midnight Pub

the darkness of night




Youtube is the only one I wish I could do without, but can't unfortunately. Need to fix the car, fix the washing machine, grow tomatoes, repair your phone? YouTube. It's a necessary evil.

I'm a sysadmin by trade and thank goodness 90% of the job related internet searches I make, return results I need to read. Though most of those are StackExchange/StackOverflow/Reddit (Reddit has become a cesspool in its own right.)

I miss the days all interactions on the internet were like this. Small communities, simple interfaces, where you just enjoy the people that are there. I'm am so glad I found this place!



I regret that I still use YouTube as well. I've tried to use Invidious exclusively but the thing about those privacy-friendly frontends is that the megacorp plays whack-a-mole with them and you never know if an instance will work or not.



Well said and thank you :)

I can't quit YT either. There is PBS SpaceTime, and Numberphile, and VSauce. But as the old(?) adage goes, never read the comments. I find it easy to keep YT from being 'social'. And if the marketing engines or the NSA profiles me for liking physics and math and obscure topics... well, they're not wrong...



I've debated switching to Nebula. Most of the explainer channels I watch regularly have started cross-posting there, and there aren't any comment sections to be enraged by. That said, the channels market it as "creator-owned", when it's really "creators as a whole share a 50% stake, and the other 50% is owned by the production company" - which makes the phrase "creator-owned" enough of a half truth that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Is an actual co-op too much to ask for? Golly. There's my silly brain buying into the capitalist lie that choosing which corporation from which to purchase media is the end-all-be-all of ethics 😉



I hadn't heard of Nebula. Will have to check that out, whilst considering the ethical puzzle!



Yes. Never read the YT comments. It's like a special layer of Internet Hell, lol! And if I get NSA profiled for hiking videos, music videos, and the occasional web development How-To, they'd be right about that, also ;)
