Midnight Pub

Gemini Quickstart!


The door from the alley opens, and the old person in the tattered suit steps through, closing it behind them; they are carrying a stack of flyers on slightly yellowed paper. They take a moment and pin one to the corkboard by the door. They then head to the bar and order the pub lunch – egg and chips today. They set the stack of flyers on the bar next to them.

Noting your interest, they take one off the top, and pass it over to you with a faint, almost sad smile.

The flyer is for a website called "Gemini Quickstart!", and appears to have been run off on a black and white laser printer. It describes the website as a quick start page for non-technical people who have heard of Gemini, but have no idea how to get started. The address of the website is across the bottom of the flyer in clear, sans-serif type.

The copy of the flyer that the tattered person handed to you has an odd symbol scribbled in one corner in brownish ink, but that doesn't seem to be on the other flyers.

Gemini Quickstart (WWW)
Gemini Quickstart (Gemini)
The strange sigil


This is great content!



this is so well-put-together. can send to friends who never heard of gemini



Ariane is pretty cool, but looks like when I try to login, I get taken to www, and login happens there. Not sure if its even possible to maintain logged in status in Gemini.



How does one subscribe to feeds in Gemini? I didn't know this was possible. Same with logging in to things like the Pub. How?



To subscribe to feeds, you'll need either support in your client (Lagrange has support, so does deedum, I think amfora does, but I'm not sure), or you'll have to install and run feed aggregating software like CAPCOM, gmisub, or comitium. CAPCOM subscribes to atom xml feeds, gmisub subscribes to the simple gemtext feed spec, and comitium subscribes to both. All of those output a gemtext file that you can either read locally, or put on a Gemini server to open from anywhere.

I kind of considered this to be outside the scope of the quickstart; I might add an extra page.

As for logging in to things – some sites let you log in with a client certificate, though what you can do with that is limited by the simple nature of Gemini input. It's not really suitable for e.g., being able to write entries on the Pub.



Oh, so I can subscribe with any RSS reader?



Probably not — the atom XML is being served over Gemini, so most RSS readers won't be able to get it.



I have been looking for this too!

I just want to read from the comfort of Emacs, everything is bright and shiny (except the dark theme), and I'm happy.
