Midnight Pub

Stumbling About


Half awake, I gaze at the dopamine box. The attention grabber app showed the usual news, shiny toy articles and then there was an article. It concerned this other web. No, not the dark web with the criminals and 'here be dragons' signs. A totally different protocol. One from the 90s which deals only with text. The article prompted me to start looking around. Ooo there is an Android app called DiggieDog. Navigating through various pages I read phlogs galore, learning about technology, listening to ideas and feeling a connection with people. It is surprising how reading short lines of text give you an insight into someone else's life and into the nature of life. As I find my way around the gopher space, I end up down a small alley. I hear noise coming from a building with an old Halloween poster. I pass the people standing outside and enter. A glance along the bar at the beer pumps proves fruitful.

A pint of Proper Job please.

I find a table, look around and then take the first sip of the pint. The initial wave of pleasure from the right beer at the right time washes over. Life is good.

Ahhh. This might be a nice place to spend some time.

Thanks for your interesting and varied posts. I look forward to reading many more!

A pint of Proper Job please.

It's been awhile since I've had one of those! A traditional brewery serving up a beer with a healthy dose of American hops. Maybe one day I'll get down to St Austell's to have a pint there...

...wave of pleasure from the right beer at the right time...

Great sentiment - totally agree! Hmm, how about a cheeky lunchtime pint? Something a little less strong than Proper Job though. Bartender, a pint of Mister Chubb's Session Bitter from West Berkshire Brewery please and thank-you!



Protip: make sure to bring your own cookies, they don't serve any in gopherspace!
