Midnight Pub

Who I really am


Sitting In My Apartment

I was fortunate to find a nice apartment in the neighboring city called Nightfall City. The landlord is a nice fellow, he was eager to get me to sign the lease and I did just that. The rent is reasonable and the work I do pays well. I am sitting in my apartment now, contemplating the work I have to finish. I am a web developer and I am near completing a project I started for a close friend of mine. I fire up the laptop and dive right in. The headaches begin suddenly. I mutter, "Gods, I hate this modern web markup shit!" and spend the next few hours figuring out what is wrong with a certain container.

Stepping Away In Frustration

Staring at all this HTML shit begins to make my teeth clench so I walk away from my current laptop and turn on my other laptop. Both have Gemini clients installed so I hop on Gemini and go slow surfing the small web. Oh what a delight, oh what joy and what utter freedom. My stress, at least for the time being melts away but I know inevitably I have to get back to the utter cesspit that the modern web has become. Work is work and unfortunately the WWW monster is where I need to be to earn a living.


Do you have a Gemini capsule?



I don't have one of my own yet. I keep saying I am going to fire up a server and set up a capsule but things keep getting in the way lol. I will eventually though.



You can use the Midnight Pub to dip your toes into this feature. You have a capsule reserved for you at [username].midnight.pub that you can edit from your account page.



Do you mean my profile? or there's some other feature I am not aware of, thanks for your help btw.



Go to your account page and click on "Your Site." This will allow you to create a custom Gemini site on the Midnight Pub. You can add pages, write them in Gemini markup, link them together, and you have a site. If you make your main page "index.gmi" then it will open automatically when someone goes to rosie88.midnight.pub



I am a web developer, I know how to link pages in markup but how do you link pages in gemtext? I love the simplicty of gemtext but there are a few more things I don't know how to do. I have zero knowledge concerning markdown.



On mine, for example, a link back to my homepage is:

=> index.gmi Home

A link to another Gemini capsule would be like thus:

=> //brewed.midnight.pub/table.gmi The Table 

As you can see, "gemini:" is not necessary in Gemini-to-Gemini links.



Thank you so much I appreciate you taking the time to explain it and I say this is infinitely far most simpler than the html monster.



Yeah it's very simple, lol. I like that about Gemini.



It's what first brought me to it, the simplicity that was the internet from the very beginning



Exactly. It's about the content of what you have to say and/or whatever other content you have. It's not about absolutely byzantine labyrinths of javascript and bloated meaningless bullshit nobody needs.
