Midnight Pub



I can't say any particular books have shaped me. Maybe a long series of books made me think a certain way about certain things - e.g. GRR made me more forgiving with my family; King made me realise that too much of a good thing can be bad; Asimov taught me that the idea is longer lasting than the implementation; and recently Leckie taught me that habits are our most defining physical traits.

These aren't permanent written thoughts that I will take to my grave, my mind forever scarred by the lesson as I live completely to the ideals I am inspired by....

No. My mind wanders. These lessons stay in the back of my head, eking out little nuggets of wisdom here and there at a chronically declining rate determined by how long ago I happened to have read that book.

...I'm sad to say that I'm shaped more by the chaotically (dis-)ordered world around me, than by the inspiring narratives from the fictional worlds I love
