Midnight Pub

Dream Girl


This fire is a good place for me to wistfully stare into the middle distance.

Last night I dreamed that I fell in love with someone who did not exist. Just saying that sentence makes me feel vulnerable, like I should be embarrassed about something that I had no control over. Maybe I should be embarrassed by the part where I fell for her in large part because she was faster than me at solving a Rubik's cube. And not to brag, but I'm pretty fast.

There's not many things that are disappointing as the feeling of waking up from a really good dream. For me, my vision starts vignetting, and suddenly I have a few lucid moments where I hold onto the fading world until there's nothing left but the feeling of my bedsheets. And then all I have are the memories, but you know how those fade, too. I remember so little of the dream, now. I remember where I was when I started waking up. I don't remember exactly what she looked like, but I remember I didn't recognize her. I remember her hair color, the profile of her nose. Those odd and incomplete details. I remember how I felt. God, to feel like that in real life...

With any luck, tonight's dream will have a "load from last save" button. Very happy to see some new and familiar faces around. I need to spend some time catching up :)

Good night, Midnight.


Have you ever experienced lucid dreams? Being in control of what you do, fully realizing that you are dreaming, yet still be within the dream. It's like the ultimate virtual reality. I sometimes contemplate about the nature of dreams: what the hell are they? What if they are some sort of window toward an alternate reality? One where we can be who we want. A reality that exists, just not the one we live in. Maybe the girl who solved that Rubik's cube is someone you've met in one of these realities, and that dream is your portal to her. Haha, I'm too sober to push the reasoning; but regardless of what you do, do try to meet her again, and if you do, keep us posted!



Three times in memory I've been lucid, but there's such a delicate balance between just being lucid and being so lucid you wake up. Unfortunately for me, all three times have been the latter. I'm no oneironaut.

My favorite book series has two characters from parallel universes who fall in love but ultimately cannot stay together. I'll pretend me and dream girl's universes bumped into each other in the cosmos :)



I have a soft spot for stories such as those, or ones where friends fall for eachother and have the love that I wish to find someday


Maybe I should be embarrassed by the part where I fell for her in large part because she was faster than me at solving a Rubik's cube.

That doesn't seem like the worst reason to fall for somebody. Assuming you remember: was it the display of intellectual prowess and manual dexterity that hooked you, or her intent expression as she attacked the puzzle?

On a tangential note: Paris could have saved everybody a lot of trouble by doing the smart thing and awarding the golden apple to Athena.



Simply put, I'm very drawn to people who I stand to learn a lot from, especially if their field of expertise is a hobby or passing interest of mine. I learn by example and am very competitive, so having that sort of energy in my life pushes me to become a better person. In this case, over a decade of unfocused practice places me at the dreaded 14-15 second plateau. She was well under 10.

And really, can you blame Paris? Wisdom would mean understanding the unknown, the harsh truths of the world. Besides, I'm not sure choosing Athena would have changed much. The gods are cunning and vengeful. No doubt the righteous Athena had a trick up her sleeve.



Athena had more than a trick up her sleeve. She had a trickster. I'm sure Odysseus was one of her lifelong devotees.



I don't think I was ever able to describe the feeling I get from those times as well as you have. I, to a small extent, still pine for a girl I knew once in a dream.
