Midnight Pub

dishonest overthinking




Okay. I think I get it. I'll leave.



I've been there before. I too have looked for labels to better understand myself. But labels can be limiting. You are far more than the sum of any labels that you might devise.

It would also seem that 1) the desire to find one's true self and 2) the pressure to be interesting or special might be at odds with each other.

What if your true self isn't that interesting to you or others? Do you change yourself or do you accept and love the person you were created to be?

I've realized too that introspection must also be balanced with extraspection (looking beyond one's self).

I'll leave you with this quote from Confucius:

"I have been the whole day without eating,

and the whole night without sleeping;

occupied with thinking.

It was of no use.

The better plan is to learn."
