Midnight Pub

The Pub's latest New Guy


Hello there!

I am Proteus, and I'm an infant when it comes to the small web. I discovered gemini and gopher within the last year and a half, and it captivated me almost instantly; however, I quickly realized that in this realm I am technologically a complete imbecile. That said, everyone here seems passionate about the small web and eager to help new people like me get involved, so I am thrilled to get engage with you all, read your content, and share my own.

I suppose I'll use this first post as a way to say a bit about myself. I'm an American male, currently in my mid-twenties, who graduated from a Master of Arts program for English. My concentration is in rhetoric and composition, and my committee told me that I ought to consider myself a specialist on hate speech and digital rhetoric. I don't know if I am worthy of being called a specialist, but I know that I love to discuss the nature of belief and find myself fascinated by digital/virtual spaces.

Aside from my "haughty intellectual interests," I am also a Confessional Lutheran, which I am sure doesn't interest many people, but on the off chance that it piqued your interest, I am always eager to discuss it. Speaking more broadly, I generally enjoy talking about any and all religious creeds a person confesses, probably why I was so interested in epistemology and how it desperately informs our rhetoric.

That covers the academic, the religious... Oh yes, mundane hobbies. I'll just list those for you quickly:

... Well, I develop them for tabletop, but my lack of any coding talent has kept the door tightly shut on developing a video game.

There you have it! I am your typical internet nerd looking for a higher quality experience on the internet, and here I am, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, hoping to find that experience here on the small web. That just leaves one thing, hope that I managed to format this post correctly!


Hello proteus, what do you want to drink today? 🥤

I like Game Dev as a hobby and profession, and I try to play as much as I can. Nice!

I'm a Mexican male in my mid-30s, doing science and designs, trying to understand life, arts and creativity :)

I'm not into religious stuff, more on research of the 'isms' that guide our life, but I'm always to discuss ideas, mechanisms, tools for progress and fun ways to live.





Confessional Lutheran

I went down a deep rabbithole just now trying to work out what this is, and I stumbled upon the **tree of all religions**¹ where I think found you at the 2pm position:

    Ancient Israelite Religion (~1 BC)
    |_ Christianity (~1000 AD, up to the Great Schism)
       |_ Western or Roman Catholic Church (~1500s, up to Martin Luthor Reform)
          |_ Unnamed Lutherian Branch (~1820s)
            |_ Unnamed Lutherian Branch2 (~1980s)
               |_ Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference

(I hope I got it right...) I love these kind of trees and hierarchies because they're driven entirely by ideology, and it's like watching the operating system distro wars of the 1990s-2010s play out, as they split off from one branch or root due to one reason or another on a hill that someone is willing to die on.

It's a rich tapestry of decision making weaved into fabric of humanity

¹: http://the40foundation.org/world-religions-tree.html



Pleased to meet ya!
