Midnight Pub

intro to pub and responding to "The Small Internet"


Hi folks, new here.

I'm looking forward to reading and interacting here in a way that I haven't done since the "old days" of dial-up...

I wanted to respond to spring's piece on "The Small Internet" found here:


I like the writing style and the ideas a lot. The style reminds me of the hippie classic "Das Energi" by Paul Williams and I have to wonder if it was an inspiration?


Howdy, have a seat. ~bartender serves a good craft beer, if you are into this kind of thing. He'll get pretty much anything out of his cupboards, even hot chocolate with spices :-) ... Cheers!



Thanks! not much for beer actually, appreciate wine and rum... and spiced hot chocolate aka Mexican hot chocolate is a thing of the gods :)



I can't say I agree with them. Plenty of people have met their SO online. So much of life is a lottery, and it starts with the birth lottery and doesn't end with the sexual lottery. Now that the world is no longer stable, nay getting worse, people are more inclined to gamble. Ask a little kid what they want to be: the answer is invariably influencer. People similarly despair at the loss of interdependence with family, but there have always been those of us saddled with terrible family for which the laissez-faire world is like a breath of fresh air however cold.

The small internet can be stifling. I'm glad IRC which is still ubiquitous among rarified circles is not promoted here. I'm here because m15o was gracious enough to set up a space where all you need is an account that is not linked to your email.



how apt of you.



I guess a lot of this is inherent in the tensions between wanting independence and needing community to whatever (possibly small) extent... and then of course the inherent tensions within community/family/group dynamics! Welcome to the human condition, I guess...
