Midnight Pub

appreciating what you think


Can't tell ya (although I'm going to try..) how much I appreciate the responses in the

wondering what you think


Unfortunately, one of my greatest weaknesses is reading "this", "that", and "half a million of the others" into silence - aka "mind reading". I created the tunes post just before the weekend, forgetting The Pub is often relatively quiet on weekends... and of course I was really excited to hopefully receive feedback... and so when it didn't happen as quickly as my excitement-biased hopes somewhat banked on, I started imagining having violated something obvious to pubsters other than I - complete with side conversations a la (post re-reading the self-promotion rule) "Doesn't he understand we don't like self-promotion here?"

If that makes any sense....

And, of course, feeling that way stokes a factorial-growth inner state of embarrassment, leading to wondering whether I've been doing tons of that all along and y'all have just been barely tolerating it, etc., etc.

<blushes redder than the red Milton Bradley "Battleship" grid/container>

Anyway... I re-created the post


And thanks to all of you for sharing your far more sane thoughts on the meaning of "self promotion" in these parts!


I can relate to the feeling of "mind reading." For me it's often preemptive -- "I shouldn't say anything because I'm sure they'll feel I'm intruding, or disrespectful," "I already know how they'll respond, so I shouldn't waste their time," et cetera. I've always found it easier to ignore in peopled, text-based forums than in person, because I know that if I AM getting on someone's nerves they can just stop reading and move on to something else...but then I want to interpret silence as judgement, even if that defies all reason.

In any case, I'm glad you reposted. I was going to give a listen when you posted the first time, but by the time I got anywhere private enough to do you had already taken the post down.



For me it can definitely defy what I'll call "immediate reason" founded upon actual exchange/interaction history.

But I long ago came to see the vast majority of species instantiations to be empty, despise - if not fear - worthy cretins, making floods of imagined negative possibilities just a thin slice of bark easier to come by than falling off a log....
