Midnight Pub

hot, and for my teacher too


      too hot for

   not that it takes

  a measly little 92F
  feeling like 20,000
    posts under the

    wife out tonight
serving food to her kids
for some "culture fair"

   shot my liver wad
  on three quick shots
       last night

      need it not
      want it not

     same with the

    but i'm feeling
       shut down
    across the board

 could call old friends
 but it seems our time
       has passed

  one must be at least
     meagerly able
 to fake not realizing
      what a joke
         it all

      and I don't
       gots that


I miss the days portrayed in old movies, where people would go to a local bar within walking distance of their abode and mingle with the miserable people there.

It's a Friday, I want to go for a drink with some old friends -- but I also just want to go home, take a nice cold shower and forget the outside world for a few days.

But that's how it goes isn't it? You prioritize your comforts over new experiences, and you lose touch with everyone who ever meant anything to you. Thank god my SO is still sticking around.



I hem and haw - aka express my comfort prioritizations - about going places other than home, but my wife will have none of it. She's sort of my "socializing guru" - amongst many other positive things.

We're going to some socializing event tonight, and tomorrow we perform at the same place. I could honestly do without either, but experience tells me I'll be glad I went 10 to 15 minutes into each.



Hah, I think I'm the same -- I depend on my SO to make and maintain my friendship circle, and happily tag along to whatever she planned even if I fight it initially



Very familiar timeline. :-)

We had a great time out, last night. Grant it, a woman we know spilled an entire class of ice water in my lap.. but I'm already scheming ways to playfully needle her about it sometime by leveraging the "shrinkage" episode of Seinfeld in a tasteful way somewhere along the line....



The adult in me: give her the faux cold shoulder

The kid in me: put an icecube down her back!



I'm thinking a winning compromise of the twain might be an ice BLOCK down her back.... :-)

Nah. She's quite pleasant. And I like being party to mostly private interpersonal inside jokes.
