Midnight Pub

misty homechore hop


(Re: the title: Hey... chores can seem to have piled mountainously, right?)

Misty day out there.

I'm mostly milling about the house addressing this and/or that, e.g. dusting, dry mopping, clean/reorg the garage, sign up for new phone plan ("Republic Wireless") given changes they've made have translated to no text messages from me when connected via cellular, finally saw the credit card snafu fully <eyes dart in the direction of Murphy..> addressed - not that the bank rushed to apologize for the hysteria incited.

Next up: a couple chocolate-covered strawberries, a bit of rest, tackle a door issue, some guitar/singing, maybe look into why neither the ice cube maker nor the fan in one of the bathrooms work....


Fixed the door issue, cleaned/reorg'd the breezeway, cleaned the bathrooms, ate a variety of "little dibbles" whose recyclable containers were taking up too much refrigerator space.

The key implication is now I'm all set to fully enjoy my wife's time away from home for a school function, tonight.


Sounds like a busy day. Your rest is well earned!



Those chocolate covered strawberries got my attention. Sounds really good. Do you have a garden?



I'm sure my wife has several gardens. :-)

But the strawberries in question were to my wife from a student's parents.

It was a sort of "educational" arrangement, with a couple of long stick pretzels coated in goodies making them look like pencils.



ahhh I gotcha. I ask about the garden because I've just started my hand at one. I hope to have some pumpkins for the fall!



Oooh! Good luck with that.

Also, you've incited some roasted pumpkin seed lust in this here reader!



Lol I’ve never had those! I’ll have to try some. 👍
