Midnight Pub

Morning midnight


Long time no chat!

How’s everyone doing today?

I’ve done some shuffling around of things and now have time to finish writing my books.

I also moved my blog/website around.


Getting so much done already.



hey ~jetgirl. Been a while. I was just redoing my blogroll on TMO the other day, and updated your link to your landing page. I also poked around on blogget for a while and liked the iPad post.

I'm doing good over here, and look forward to the next book(s) :)

stay well



Lol yeah I kept thinking to myself "TMO would be proud of me getting rid of this giant computer taking up all my desk space." And it is working out pretty well so far. There are a handful of things I can't do with it like move files on/off sd cards for stuff but that's what the ancient MacBook Air is for. :)



I've definitely considered going iPad-only a few times recently (as it was fun to do back when I had the iPad Air 2), but then I remember that I have to SSH into a server every so often (or *want* to, not *have* to), and think: "eh, the MacBook works well for everything - I'll stick with it". But someday I may go the iPad route, again.

good to see ya :)



Hello ~jetgirl! Indeed, long time no chat! Seems you are well. So I hope you'll stop by again soonish :-)




I'll do my best!
