Midnight Pub

Its fasting time...


After observing myself going back to the bad old habits (spending too many hours mindlessly browsing reddit and zoning out to youtube) and - worse - spending way too much time in r/collapse and subreddits dedicated to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine (which did absolutely no good to my - even under normal circumstances - brooding personality). So i set the goal to leave the commercial net with all its addictive content for at least until easter... and perhaps leave it for good.

Why this time of year and why until easter? Well, its fasting time and even as an non religious person i can appreciate the idea to let go of bad habits in a time of the year that is the epitome of new beginnings.

And why write it down here at the pub? Well... what better place to ramble to strangers about new goals than in a bar at 09:30 pm while nursing glass of good scotch? ;-)


This is a great goal.



Mmm fasting, I think me and my fam did so for a 24 hour period once per year around Easter time. I didn't want to, because not starving feels ok, to me. But they raised me Catholic, and doing so meant I got to hug Jesus, or something.

It's a good thing to take a break from the big/main Web. I stopped social media in 2019, and the news (in general) after that, and I can't say I regret it.

Cheers to the scotch (I say as I lift my glass of Zwickel Lager from Urban Chestnut). And ~bartender, maybe have some coffee going for me later, eh? Beer always makes me feel yuck after a bit ;)
