Midnight Pub




I see, your Harley is a female just like my car. My girl is a 32-year-old Audi and I love her dearly. I mean, without her, I would not even get to my nearest town to buy groceries! As much as I love her and her strange, yet not damaging tics she acquired after years of maltreatment, a motorbike really is something else – quite rich coming from someone not even owning a license nor ever having been taken on a ride. I envy you!

And I see that your taste in regards to Linux distributions is similar to mine, despite me having made the full-time switch much later than you did (to be fair, I am much younger than you). While I didn't settle with CrunchBang++, which refused to run on one of my four machines, I installed Archcraft, removed the additional repository and customized it to fit my needs (and fixed some silly bugs myself). It's plain Arch by now and it runs wonderfully on all of my aging machines, even on the one that outright refuses to run Debian, yet tolerates Ubuntu. Weird, I know, but it's a cheap Asus laptop I'm not very fond of, anyway.

Before I digress, ~tffb reminded me how important it is to step away from tech regularly and simply take a walk. Have a good day, everyone!

~bartender, a jasmine tea-to-go, please!





Ah, Harley-Davidson. My best bud has three - the one he boughbt with his own money when he was 20, his late-Father's shovelhead, and his late-Father's best friend's (Copey, RIP)refurbished panhead (I think it is). The latter is what Copey died on when he was on his way to Sturgis in 1994. It was wrecked, brought back to Missouri, worked on, refurbished, and has only been rode a few times since 30 some odd years ago.

Either the shovelhead or panhead is no longer in production, as I understand it. From the 70s it stopped being made. What my buddy bought with his own cash, I do not remember (a Fat Boy?, honestly can't remember).

I never got into bikes. Or cars. Or being someone who owns a driver's license. 39 years on Earth and never got my license, because driving (anything) is terrifying to me. Being IN a car is fine, driving one? Nope. Too many wigged out nights on LSD as a teen to see any safety/sanity in steering a ton+ of metal at 60+ mph through roads. It's a perverse and bizarre (and perhaps idiotic) way of looking at it, but I'm less of an Old Soul in terms of kinship with the older crowd, but more of an Olden Soul in that I just want a simple, local, walkable, uneventful rural (or quasi-rural) life without much to be smitten with in terms of technology - consumer tech or even Industrial Revolution tech (yea, I consider all that "tech", too).

Neverthemore, I still do System administration stuff, and participate in a pubnix and the Smol Web. It's here, I'm bored sometimes, and the CLI is where I'll spend time when in front of a computer. Not that I get *that* much thrills and chills from it. I'd be ok without. Not willing it away, not stepping over graves for AI, either. What others (always others - *I* am not inventing anything) come up with is ok and it'll cross my path here or there, now or again, and that's cool - but I don't need/want to make a concorted effort to "be into" the newest thing (as of now (and indefinitely) it seems that new thing will be AI).

Enough rambling from me, ffs. Sorry for the comment spam, lol! I like the ASCII of Lady. My bud's newly inherited bike from his dad is called White Horse, due to the white tanks, and ghost flames (at one time, the sun had to hit it just right to see faded orange flames - now, they are more visible from decades of sun/rain).

Hope you're well, ~jack





"I'm all out of words"

that sums up 98% of my existence, right there



Me gots no significant motorcycle experience. But it's sounding vroom vroom wonderful.

As for computing environment, I've been happy with Chromebooks for years after discovering a "Terminal" app permitting command line joy. Couldn't tell you whether that typically comes with a Chromebook or has to be added. And of course you'd likely be installing things within that environment - e.g. tmux and Lua are absolute necessities for this here pseudo-writer.

It's just seemed the least expensive/troublesome path to my kind of environment.





trying to ged rid of google but not easy as android user and couple old gmail boxes :(





I started to use Tutanota a couple of weeks ago. Gmail redirected. But I used that gmail for hundreds of logins during the years. I feel locked to it even it is redirected.

De-google... read it is not simple process.

I am using duck for search.



I messed with PHP in the distant past. The word 'voluminous' comes to mind, but I honestly don't remember a stitch of it.

I on-and-off cared about companies I would/wouldn't do business with back when I had what seemed like more infinite "runway".

These days, companies seem merely extensions of self-centered automatons, and of *course* self-centered automatons can't do much of anything right - even by/for their oh-so-precious selves.

