Midnight Pub

away with ye, for we have won the WWW


Two camps. Two schools of thought.

The despondent "partakers" in consumer tech

The devoted...devotees of the WWW

We are on the cusp (or IN) the New AI era of tech. I've said a million times, it (AI) IS the biggest innovation (through numerous iterations) in the tech space since the creation of the Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.

I haven't seen this (no one has) yet - a thing, service, protocol, etc., that is "as big as" the Web. Not in size of shared files on interconnected servers, but "BIG" as in possibilities.

The Achilles Heel (or perhaps blatant caveat) of it, the drop of caution, the grain of salt is that one may have to question the legitimacy/integrity of XYZ items online now.

A photo? Altered by AI (back to bed, Photoshop!)

A video? Something that's happening, just not necessarily with the characters IN said video.

A body of text? A journalism article? A book? Relish in the wordsmith'ing of an algorithmic expression that is a drummed up blob of a description.

So, this sort of "ruins" the Web, right? Except for those who thump the digital bible of *just* liking the Web.

I could be wrong. I could be off base a great deal on this. I know two days/nights here has seen a cricket chorus of non-Web activity from all but a few loyal WWWeber's and RSS kicks up dust, too.

Instead of lifting rocks looking for water, I'll accept it. To Hell with those who "came online" only when MySpace and similar gave people a GUI button to click to have a spy on the Internet. They have just as much a right as any to be online, but it might night be their first compulsion/desire if not littered with bandaids and training wheels.

I'll be ok. Small Web "whoevers" will be ok. Just rolling with the waves.

Until later



Internet is a good thing. Used badly by many.



trespassers! ;)



There's never been anything wrong with the web.

For how could a reflection be wrong?

The web quite simply has far more moron-ia to reflect.

Poor thing.... right?

Well, not really: we know it knows/feels nothing no matter how badly our lust for seeing beings everywhere wishes for it to be a being to pity for it knowing/feeling something it reflects.

It's no more effort for the web to reflect self-centric madness than thoughtful sanity.





> "Moronia" – that is a really good title for a book,
> isn't it? About what, you might think? Well, I don't
> know. Should it be a novel, an autobiography, a poetry
> book? It could be a digital imprint, a Mnemonic blank
> page burnt in to our brain stem (close, very close to
> the hypothalamus). But it can also be a stone tablet, a
> New Akashic Record, something to laser down our history
> on and leave on the far side of the moon. For somebody
> to find, maybe. But I don't know. It could be about
> nothing. Nothing at all. And then we won't have to read
> it, will we?

We've been choking on "Moronia" since September of 1993. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Gemini was in large part motivated by the need of those with more than half a brain to avoid/escape it.

> Self-centric madness or thoughtful sanity? Well, that's
> a tuff one.

I think I misspoke on that one, as it seems thoughts are generally at odds with sanity.



you might like the Yesterweb's analysis of their experience interacting with small webbers and subsequently their emerging community:


some people are digital residents, some are digital visitors. those that have homes on the WWW - or things similar - have varying levels of interior decoration. perhaps the point is to appreciate the intricacies of the patterns in each wallpaper instead of condemning it based on its overall color. albeit, sometimes you need a breath of fresh air and a spring clean - and with it comes new vibrancies of color - as long as the shop hasn't sold out



TY, will take a look! :)
