Midnight Pub

perfectly appropriate




We're finally going to settle into a house in a few weeks, having been on the move for a few years, now. That means a lot has been un-boxed. And for me a significant portion of the personal effects are CD's. And I'm really looking forward to getting back with them.

I also have maybe 30 vinyl albums that I started picking up at used-stuff places here and there in response to my wife getting me one of those mini portable record players with built-in speakers. No, it's not audiophile grade. But neither are the albums. But neither do I fucking care.

Right now that fucker's set up in the garage, which has been perfect because that's where I've been spending most of my un-boxing/un-bin-ing and cardboard-breaking-down-for-recycle time.

So fucking glorious! I've some Moody Blues, some Beatles, a couple Zep's. Yesterday I had Linda Ronstadt's "Greatest Hits" going (the album cover alone is sufficient joy and/or satisfaction, if ya know what I mean..).

In a way, the CDs will be disappointing by comparison. I've so many that I eventually had to trash the casings in favor of relegating the actual discs to spindles, which of course blows convenience out the window unless I painstakingly order them alphabetically.

But what I want to do instead is find sheets of pouches right-sized for CDs, and cover walls with those so that all the CDs are "in sight, in mind", so to speak. That would be so fucking cool.

I suppose dust will wreck that plan unless I'm taking a leaf blower to them on a regular basis. Always something in this motherfucking world....

But what I'm describing sounds like a huge dose of musical freedom compared to being perpetually at the mercy of the for-profit crowd running streaming situations.

I dunno. I guess I'm somewhat addicted to having Alexa play things, and it seems pretty good at it, and I think my wife is a "Prime" member, so there doesn't seem to be extra cost or advertising overhead. But I still feel somewhat a dupe/slave in that arrangement.

Another really cool thing about albums/CDs is there were a lot of bands back when I was a kid whose albums I couldn't afford, and so all I heard was their "hits" on terrestrial radio, meaning I've still not heard 90%+ of what they created. So if/when I can find an album for three bucks or whatever, I'm suddenly unlocking and accessing a world that was there all along, but that a fucking paper route couldn't afford.

It's a rather exciting prospect!



I miss the realm of physical media. Starting w/ tapes in 1990 (7 years old), and then CDs in 93, I had many of each. 100+ tapes at one point, 60 or so CDs over time. Streaming media is a no go for me, as I won't pay for Spotify or Tidal monthly, I have Prime, I don't want to mess with Prime stuff. Free shipping is all I really want/need. I download every song/album I want from YouTube on the YT frontend for Android (via F-Droid) called NewPipe, which I can download directly from the app. I look up a song, download Audio Only using the standard/max bitrate (br doesn't matter for me, though I think Hi Rez, cd quality (or even FLAC?) are options w/ NewPipe), and once it is in the Downloads folder, I transfer to MUSIC-MAIN on my MicroSD, and then copy everything over to the laptop every so often, as well. Only 300 songs right now, surprisingly. Seems like much much more. I want this massive glob of MP3s just to resort to, refer back to for long term, though I may dabble with physical media in the future. I'd likely go the "make mixtapes with reckless abandon and obsession" method again, as it worked well when I was a kid, lol.

Records, I want to love them, love the idea of them, I do not love them or want to bother owning them, collecting them, paying for them, investing in music rigs, etc. I was there at one point, gave up that ghost not long after getting into it. Headphones and MP3 suffice for a commoner and bottom feeder such as myself ;)

And the headphones are more broken in now. Will be used all day throughout the day. Right now I have the window open with war birds chirping their territorial hymns in the field just beyond, coffee going, cig going (maybe I can chase them off with some egregious puffs out the window?), and then plugging the drums with different tunes from said MUSIC-MAIN playlist.



I find the period where you're breaking your headphones in, both tedious and enjoyable. It is tedious because the sound is not really good for the first 100 hours or so, but it is also enjoyable because you need to expose the headphones to all types of music, so the playlists become very adventurous.



Yes definitely. I have a Dolby Atmos app built into this Motorola phone, and I experimented with different "smart" settings (Adaptive, Music, Podcast, Movie/Surround, etc) and found default adaptive works best. But the audio sounds better just after a days use, for sure. I know it took time for the TIN T2s to break in, as I was devastated at how bad they sounded the first day (like echoing metal, dogshit). I assume the CCrane will take a day or two to "warm up"

Tip: don't text treble/bass quality on Old Funeral live performances, because nothing will be relevant to any other genre or artist out there. Lesson learned.
