Midnight Pub

new display




Well, it's the next day. How goes New Monitor Life? Has The Pub become extra dimensional therein/thereupon?

I must admit I was looking forward to screen after screen of ecstatic gushing emanating from your pub stool.

The bartender declaring it "free pool table day" in honor thereof would have been some seriously nice acknowledgement, too.

But, hey, the place seemingly lives to see another post, so roll up them color-gamut-drenched sleeves, and commence typing!



Are you saying you want a cold one?



newly sober, no

just colder pixels on this wall-sized monitor

I spoke fondly of you in a phone call just now. Bloggers, writing, typing, all things merry

stay good, Inq



Wow. Thank you. Honored!

Not at all the same, but I think of you every time I receive correspondence from tmo-bile. :-)



Im sure that was a blog title for me at one point..



Coincidence remains one of the better aspects of life, for me.

For example, there's a sign in this new town we live in referring to a business named "Faber". Well, the only significant other "Faber" I've ever known was a "Faber Fedor" back in my "local BBS" days, who went by the handle "The Reverend F-Squared". Really fun, creative guy, so I'm happy to now be reminded of him on a regular basis.

So many other things. The number 22 started appearing in my life seemingly more often than other numbers in the last decade, I mean right down to a grandchild handing me a Hot Wheels car to play with a couple months ago, and it was a race car numbered 22.

And it's not that it stands out for having been a favorite number all my life like a few other numbers.
