Midnight Pub

Midnight drifter, and the Pub-logged transition




The song "Midnight Rider" (a favorite) came to mind.



"Living After Midnight" Judas Priest

"Two Minutes to Midnight" Iron Maiden

"Midnight Gambler" (which I am sure is another one...)

Get the two former mixed up, until I remember Iron Maiden would never sing something as upbeat as Living After Midnight ,ha!



Such are the wheelhouse of a son-in-law of mine.



Hey, T!

Glad to hear you've a few days of calm during your move - moving as a whole can be a good thing if you enjoy where you're going (which it sounds like you do!), but the process of moving is certainly not fun, at least in my experience. :-)

There is something to be said for keeping notebooks and paper-based reminders around. While I do have a ton of TODOs and notes scattered throughout my filesystem on my machine, I do often break out my notepad for those more important things - currently have two notepads full of scribbles on my desk beside me, not to mention some stickies on my wall with other notes!

Hope you enjoy your downtime as you get ready to transition to your new place. Cheers!



Ha yea, thank you Rd! :)

This is downtime, so to speak, but the apartment will be better/prolonged downtime, as it is a chill property, not a lot going on, as there is the clubhouse for chaos and loudness! Ha!

Yea, going analog makes sense for me - for notes, reading, calendars, appointments, reminders small notes, as well as "local" for media - videos, music - as downloading a thing real fast on NewPipe is easy and I can keep a THING I want indefinitely, and just hit Play without streaming, downloading, or even Internet. Keeping things simple :)



Sounds like it's going to be a great place then! :)

Completely get what you mean on keeping things local - I do most of the same. I have no streaming services, watch videos on youtube but if there is anything I enjoy and want to keep around, I download it and save it to my external drive full of television shows, retro game ROMs, and films. I wrote a small wrapper I call 'songsnatch' around yt-dlp for when I want to grab songs from youtube. With all my downloads and CDs and records I already have, I've amassed quite the music collection over the years. :)

I've got a nice 256gb SD card that lives in my Android so I can transfer that media over to it for on-the-go listening. No Spotify around here!

Simplicity is king!



Yep, 128gb MicroSD in my phone that has a folder "MUSIC-MAIN" with everything, and since I started roughly a year ago, I am barely at 700mb (with than m).

I like the idea of keeping a game ROM folder. I keep an OPML file with all RSS feeds and an XML file with all my YouTube subs on-hand, as well as my "tech-synth" notification sound I keep on my phone and my PacMan ringtone - so four non-media files ("non-media" being other than music, or video). I thought of keeping a game ROM folder of cool stuff and even downloaded a bunch of N64 titles playable on Android via some weird apps, but programing the external controller for each game was a pain in the ass, so I abandoned that project. Not much of a gamer, anyway, so....
