Midnight Pub

heatwave, bloody heatwave


I live in the sticks in western Arkansas, and we are currently experiencing some of the most consistently hot temps of my lifetime here (today 95F with a "feels-like" temp of 104F), so I keep putting off some of the yardwork I really need to get done.

Thankfully there is a chance of rain in the next few days, so I am going to take advantage of that if we get some precipitation, as it will hopefully bring a slightly cooler front with it.

Besides not being able to spend as much time as I'd like outside, not much else to complain about. I've been spending a ton of time here in my office on the computer and catching up on some work on our FOSS projects after finishing up the daily work for my clients. Taking a few days off from client work the next few days as the Fourth is tomorrow and going to have some family coming to visit, so that will be nice as well.

Other than all that, simply ready for summer to be over! The only thing I enjoy about summer out here where my wife and I live is that we have a nice, big lake about 3 miles down the road, so we can hit it up to go swimming during the hotter bit of the year, which I always enjoy. That being said, definitely ready for autumn to roll back around - certainly my favorite time of the year. I love good, light-hoodie weather. :-)

I hit the liquor store last night and grabbed some of my favorite whiskey for this week, and plan on sitting in the air conditioning and hanging out with some friends and family, playing some guitar with them, and having a few drinks and some good food on this Fourth of July. Hope you all have an excellent day if you're celebrating, as well.

Cheers, fellow Midnighters.~


Indian checking in here. Until last month, my state had temperature around ~44 C [110 F]. The "feels like" was even worse due to humidity. Since air conditioning isn't that prevalent here, it was a nightmare to go through.

The monsoon/rainy season is here now which means slightly lower temps but more humidity. That's why I like winters more here. Little to worry about.



oh wow, i can only imagine some of the temperatures i'm sure you see on your side of the world. here in Arkansas, we routinely have summers that are in the 90F+ range, with maybe a few 100F days. this year has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of consistent 100F+ days, think the heat index sometime last week was 111F.

that two days we got with the remnants of the hurricane coming through cooled it down to a nice 73F, but it only lasted until the next day of course.

know very much what you mean about liking winters the most. autumn and winter are my favorite times of year. autumn is great for digging out the light jackets and enjoying a ton of time outside, and winter is nice for staying inside and hanging out by the heater/fireplace! :-)



SE Missouri here. Not far from Arkansas. Similar Ozarkian weather ha. Big rain and now a humid sunny 4th. Everything soaked for the inevitable fireworks shards flaking the trees tops this evening. Hoping for no wildfires like West coast.

No guitars or whiskey here, just listening to good music sober. I'd like to be a crowd member of an Inquiry performance some day, but he is elusive in character and location, lol!

Here's to a nice Independence Day!:)



I was just in Missouri not that long ago - got some family in a small town just outside of Branson called Rockaway Beach. Heard there were storms up there yesterday, hope the weather is more agreeable today. :-)

Good music is always a great plan! I need to get back into doing some recording sometime soon, we're building a small FOSS game and I've slowly been writing a little original soundtrack for it. Would definitely be intrigued to hear some of ~inquiry's tunes someday if he ever feels up to sharing!

Happy Independence Day! Hope yours and everyone else's is a great one!



Amen to autumn as a favorite time of the year!



indeed! nothing like watching the leaves change and the temps beginning to drop. my "ideal temp" zone is the 50s-60s, though I don't mind a little cooler weather than that as well. vastly prefer the crisp, cool nights to these blazing hot days we're seeing in my neck of the woods. :-)



It's good to know I've already a roommate meteorologically hand-picked for me should I ever need one! :-)
