Midnight Pub



I enjoyed reading this. I also sometimes wonder why I can't just get in lock-step with one of the major circlejerks running the culture war currently. I'm a lot closer to one of them (the lefty one) but by their standards I'm a heretic and that circlejerk has little tolerance for heterodoxy or heresy right now. The funny thing is that used to be the hallmark of the Other Side. Weird how times change!



Indeed. Back in the 1980's, I never could have imagined that people who hated not merely downright fundamentalist believers, but even more tame "evangelicals" for allegedly wanting to determine how people in general should be/behave/live, are now at least an order of magnitude up the fundamentalism/righteousness ladder from what those 1980s fundy's/evangelicals were, as is evidenced by their speed to judgement and social/employment cancellation.



Yes, exactly! When I was a kid, the conservatives were the fundamentalist hardcore Christians and the liberals were everyone else. Now that liberals won the last culture war and find themselves the dominant culture, it seems they are the hardcore dogmatists. Upside-down world!
