Midnight Pub

windows, walls, brackets and BS




I must admit imagining you skipping down the street going, "Windows and brackets and walls, oh my! Window and brackets and walls, oh my!" :-)



Nah, Dorothy was too cheery. I think we'd hit is off though, as I am a heartless, brainless coward, haha



Song spoof ideas suddenly abound, e.g.:

we're off to see the midnight
the wonderful midnight of pub


on this subject, I checked Wikipedia on the history of the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, to discover that most of the "symbolism"/parables in the book/production/movie were not actually there, just the formulation of "person is cozy at home, person is wisked away for challenge and adventure, person prevails, person returns home stronger and more content with home life".

Ok, the yellow brick road is as good as gravel, then? Colored horses, organ-missing entities of a distant realm, good/bad witches of the East/West - hell, may as well be tall/short witches of the North/South. Just opposites for the sake of them being so. Seems like a colossal missed opportunity, which I had just *assumed* was so jam-packed and deep that it would take volumes of interpretation to splice through it all. No, just things that are different, if not just the opposite all throughout.

Great fiction though, for sure



Greater and lesser fictions seems an adequate description of life to me.
