Midnight Pub



ah, Inquiry

Must I resort to the M.p corkboard to transmit messages? Haha!

Anyway, hope you're doing well. Pub has been slow and dark. As I like it. As most do.

Maybe spin myself dizzy, blindfolded, and toss a slab of bologna in any direction and see if it sticks to whatever it slams into - meaning I want to find a new place to write, to see who has such and such to say about whatever and whatever else.

Any Nightfall City places worth looking at? There are many. m15o built a nice mini city amongst the outcasts, it seems.

We need to make a Kowloon Walled City of the Web. Not walles in garden, but a dense amount of outcasts who are as approximate as they are antisocial, ha. I think Smol Pub accomplishes this, w/o comments, but the sad posts on there are a bummer. Glad I left that place.

I am not proposing anything be built, nor would I build anything online, just seeing if there's a M15o production worth waiting in line for :)




Although they don't directly apply, the lyrics:

communication breakdown
 it's always the same

come to mind.

I've no answers on places to read and/or write online. Just when I think I've found a potentially reliable place to read stuff that "does it for me", it either goes dead, or the writing that attracted me turns out to have been either the venue's "peak" offering(s) (quality and/or quantity sense), or accidental foray(s) into a favorite topic that quickly reverts back to "Today's weather: ain't is sumthin'?"-like topics. The net (ha) is I wind up with URLs/bookmarks that I wind up visiting/following in vain for a season, and then deleting.

And "search" is pretty much never useful for what I seek.

But then I suppose my fickle wants/needs along intake lines play a role in making things that once seemed interesting seem the pinnacle of boring, and then interesting again.. and then boring again.. and....

In other words, the internets can't keep up with my whims. It's really my own "newness whims" I'm addicted to - which, of course, is a guaranteed recipe for disappointment in a "same old" kind of world....


or the writing that attracted me turns out to have been either the venue's "peak" offering(s)


It's really my own "newness whims" I'm addicted to

...I agree, answered your own Q. I am looking less for "what's there from others" and more for "are others here tolerable to have exchanges with", as *I* would do the writing on that/this platform, as where RSS has my "read stuff that looks like cool stuff" wants met there. As mentioned in another post, even RSS and the retro-masto feeds have dried up, and blog posts have dried up there (more), too. But that is a volatile post frequency. I've sat down on some one-off morning and seen 20 blog entries from different people and 30+ mastodon updates and I think "was there a solar flare?" lol!

I will explore Nightfall City and see what's around. Something clean and simple, though the writing format stays the same: GNOME Text Editor, which is so simple and straight forward that I abandoned the editors of the Web. There will likely never be a cohesive (JS-driven) solution there. A simple `textarea` works fine, but I like to just do the writing locally and be consistent with it.

Anyway, glad you're doing alright



Isn't it amazing how elusive "are others here tolerable to have exchanges with" has become given all the interaction options?

Thinking about it a bit more, I guess I've subconsciously seen/leveraged posting as a means to create contexts for exchange. Posting "to have a voice", "to be heard", as some sort of "release" (as opposed to "holding it all in")... well, I'm not going to say such are objectively lousy propositions. They just don't work for me, because they feel like the equivalent of wandering into the woods to find a tree stump to talk to.

I need to know what I've written matters/mattered, and it's not something I can pretend happens/happened by believing it probably or "must have" happened because there are potentially so many readers. I gots to feel just beyond some threshold of certainty that it happens/happened. And I honestly don't care if the feedback is positive (heh... initially typed 'postive'..) or negative. Either way: loneliness temporarily solved.

Is how it seems/feels....

And I suppose that makes me sound as though in some non-optimal marriage, because of views a la "shouldn't that be enough if/when it's 'right'?" But for me it's more complicated than that, because there's more to me and my wife than we could be interested-in/capable-of interacting with. There are many, many areas in which my wife and I are incredibly mutually perfect for each other. But there are some areas in which expecting overlap is futile.

So there's this, or other forms of this.

But - back to my first sentence - I'm astounded at/by how difficult meaningful overlap is to find "out there". And it seems even worse than ever given how hair-triggered people have seemingly become to shun/ghost over beliefs, which of course is an environment/scenario begging for an interactive experience somwhere between disingenuity and silence....



general degradation of Netizen-quality (not just a perception of, but a reality of - depending on the expectancies thereof), is something I consolidated some time ago - expect people (on and offline) to be untrustworthy leverage hounds, and directly talk to (or even confront) them as such, on and offline, and then expectancy or reliance on what they say drops to zero, and it's uphill from there.

I am no longer eloquent or articulate with saying things (I am sure I am not - was once, no longer) but whatever interactions do/don't happen (with me) online (be it a quick "hello" from a friend in IRC over the course of 12 hours, or a lengthy e-mail between multiple friends in an afternoon) I am grateful to yammer and keep up.

stay well friend :)



You still got it. And thanks.



you're welcome.

And I surprise myself at times :)



...and a zine https://lh2600.itch.io/selfish-approvals-issue-2



Are you okay, inq? We miss you!


> Are you okay, inq? We miss you!

Never better! And thank you, I appreciate the sentiment.

I suddenly tired of persistent posts. But it turns out one can't delete posts that have replies, which motivated a post "emptying" strategy.

That doesn't mean I'm tired of interaction - see also: xyz001@nym.hush.com



This is hardly the place to be taking back your posts. That's why I like anonymous sites where, despite things being persistent, they drown in a sea of other posts.

I have stopped going to those sites, though, I'm sick of the way people talk in there.

There are some sites where posts get deleted after 24 hours, for example bus-stop.net, but the posts there are by their nature quite short. Short is usually better, but there ought to be one that allows for longer posts that get deleted periodically, too.

There was one in the nightfall city that you mentioned once, for somewhat anonymous posts, wasn't there?



I've seemingly lost the ability to believe writing online is leading to anything worth the effort, and therein does the activity/process of writing itself ring hollow regardless the venue. A mix of dullness and exasperation culminating in ":q!" has become a familiar ending to attempting it.



hey Inquiry, I always said if I explored making/playing music, it would be via keyboard. I'd want to splurge and get a genuine MOOG from back when, original components and all, but chances are, I'd end up getting a $100 Zenith from Amazon or something. The Harmony Guitars of keyboards, lol! I had a mock Fender Sunburst Harmony in 1995, and that spurred every guy in the neighborhood to buy a guitar - all genuine Fender, Gibson, etc., so it was like "T does cool thing, do that exact particular thing he's doing, but multiple echelons better than him" - I nearly took it personally.

RIP Reubens, he was a wild dude. And very funny. The Pee Wee Herman post from last night was a treat to write, and it FELT like 1,600 words, haha! idk the time lapsed to write it - an hour and a half? Something never brought up when considering writing practice from/amongst the "writerly" blogs, I'm afraid: the ability to SPEED UP one's writing, have less slow down or break in "flow" when a session starts up. Just writing prompts and frequency/infrequency of posts, themselves. Still, sound advice for those taking (sound) advice from bio-defined strangers online :D

On that, "all generalizations are false, including this one", et al.

And that's me with the chainsaw - I'm downing your mailbox so you won't get disruptive letters or utility bills any longer. More time at the Midnight and cash to burn on keyboards and keyboards - music and writing :)




All I know with respect to Reubens is the Pee Wee "Tequila" scene is easily in my top five favorite movie moments.



My favorite part of PWBA was not so much a scene, or acting related, but when him and the convict Mickey come to a cross roads on the highway, and the bike was on the back of a truck next to them, tassels blowing in the wind, Pee Wee unaware and looking the other way, and the truck with the bike go one way, Pee Wee and Mickey in another.

Adds a lot to the story



Yes, love(d) that too. But it's probably been a solid decade since my last view, so.. lost....
