Midnight Pub





FWIW, my eyes glow in the early hours of each day in anticipation of potential Pub content.



Beware, I have blade! :D



As if a guy in a black bear costume need worry about blades! :-)



nah, id bolt if I saw a black bear anyway. Just avoid Farmington when sporting the bear costume. You'll wind up tranquilized and left in the middle of the wilderness.

Then again if you're free on time and the edibles aren't kicking in, you know where to go...


> Then again if you're free on time and the edibles aren't
> kicking in, you know where to go...

https://write.as/tttlog/ ? :-)

Part of my answering thusly is to mention that I recently noted my write.as account is still active, and that I even managed to remember its password. Then it occurred to me there might be a way to make that blog look and behave in a way more in accord with how I'd want to blog going forward, key aspects including:

- a set of favorite topics represented by individual posts

- an honest attempt to keep those "topic posts" current, so that old thinking/beliefs are flushed when new thinking/beliefs occurs

So, for example, should I have something to say about politics, instead of simply creating a new post, I'd edit the existing post whose title is "Politics" to contain the current state of beliefs/thinking, as well as whatever new tidbits might seem important to me at the time of writing.

Doing things that way addresses recent beliefs about the non and/or negative value (not to mention administrative burden) of past posts, as well as keeping the blog more a genuine "living" document for not continuing to present "dead weight" of the past.

Something like that.



Go for it

I did categories there for a time. Had a hashtag-oriented list on /about or whatever it was. #tech, #writing, et al

I lost interest in hashtags as fast as I lot interest in "regular" tags for a post when I blogged on WordPress years before. It was mandated by the guy who owned the blog, as they had tags/categories utilized before I worked there, so after hammering through a post, it was tediously typing in the box "this post is about THIS" "this post is about THAT" so a handful of whoever can save a half second find the category they wanted to read whenever they would visit.


I'm not "against" tags, I'm just against DOING them, lol



I'm need seeing a need for hashtags in what I'm going. I simply have five posts whose titles are:

- About

- Life

- Spiritual

- Whatever

- Commentary

- Politics

and (for now) intend to simply reuse them by editing them as the writing spirit moves. And they'll stay in that order because for free accounts ordering is based on initial publish date. (Perhaps saying "there will always be only those six posts in the same order in the blog listing" clarifies?)

I do attempt to give a better picture of when a post has changed by putting the likes of this at the top of each:

<pre><code>2024-09-11 11:20:36 Wednesday <- 2024-09-11 10:10:31 Wednesday</code</pre>

which indicates an update (most recent date on left). It's fairly easy to update for what it provides.

I'll likely abandon it by the end of the week given free blogs aren't listed in the read.write.as feed, so there's no hope of anyone discovering it. But it was just a sort of nostalgically fun thing.

It was somewhat encouraging (given beefs I had with write.as in the past) that the API seemed to work for me given the "curl" invocations they recommend. I had over 1800 posts to delete, and that would have been impossible manually. But one API call gave me some kind of overall authentication token, which I then used to make another API call getting all the post id's, and then passed the authentication token and post id's to another API call to accomplish all the post deletions.



I deleted TMO by making it a secondary blog, and then making tttlog primary. Secondary can be deleted. I think all 10,100 posts (+ anon entries) are ALL anon now, so there they rot ha



You must have had a higher grade of account than I, as I'm seeing nothing about being able to make my one and only blog "a secondary blog".



Yea, I got the 5-year thing when it was introduced in...whenever. Expires next year. I had a year of Pro before, so, added to it. I think it's Pro that opens all features.

Professional grade features, lacking support/response from devs of those features, unfortunately. Glad I left.

There is no current way to delete a W.a acct in its entirety, or it'd be done by now



Yeah, the gotchas are slowly coming back to me. The two coming to mind at the moment:

1) For some reason adding a <pre><code>content</code></pre> leads can either favor how the post looks from a "height of lines of white space" perspective when viewing the post alone, or how the feed looks. In other words, trying to make it look best in one context means worsening how it looks in the other.

2) Changes made to posts can take half of forever to be reflected in one's feed, which is super maddening when you want to do a quick verification that one accomplished what one hoped to accomplish, because it means having to remember to come back for that verification whenever the changes are finally reflected in the feed, and I really suck at waiting for things I have to believe ought to be nearly instantaneous.

But, well, the old "but it's free" thing currently has me by the nuts, as in "I may as well use this for *something*", but slowly paying for it in terms of enduring the likes of the above.

There are downers regardless the online venue, it seems, which is why I need to feel/experience enough mitigating uppers to not feel too foolish.



hell, I'd burn a cigar out there, looks great!



