Midnight Pub

[[tch tch >>schkt >>[[tch tch]]>>schkt>> ting! the simple joy of typewriting ^¥^



i found an electric typewriter

it was at goodwill

really i'd been wanting a manual

an olympia sm9 portable, look at this beauty:



after the joy of typing on it at the test area

i said to myself if i can pop a cheap tag for it

i'll grab it


half off a $5.99 tag and i get a smith corona xl1500:


for $3.25!

i had to lug it on the bus accross town

but it was worth it

in the back of my head i was questioning it

why get an electric typewriter when i want a manual? and already have a laptop to write on?

but, really, it's the aesthetics of a typewritten page


and i get why some writers only use a typwwriter or old word processor (like george r r martin)

all you can do is write

no distractions

no opening a browser

or playing a game

just write

is all you can do

i plan to use it for



and typing up my zine

and eventually

that sm9 will be mine ^¥^


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I had a typewriter myself and absolutely loved it, so much so that I eventually bought a Freewrite Traveller and later Alpha, which is basically a cloud connected typewriter. Honestly I have a strange fascination with eink devices that probably all stems from getting that initial typewriter.




those are very interesting

i'd be onboard

but good god that price point is staggering

maybe if i found a used one for ~150

but 300-500 is out of the question

i actually just looked up a command-line only

linux os to install on my laptop for the same

distraction-free writing

so, that probably will be enough for me

although i do dig the e-ink display and cloud


maybe one day...

thanks for the heads up though



the Brother typewriter I had in STL was bliss to type on. I wrote 75 pages in 3 weeks, I think. Just constant with the thing. :)

A Corona is nice, so is Olympia.

And +1 on the write-only laptop. I scoured for an Acer netbook not long ago to find a device for just writing. Found some, may still pick one up.

check The Roving Typist on VIMEO. weird little doc on him (whoever it is)



it really is cathartic to typewrite

everytime i find a typewriter

it always tugs at my heart

i'm glad i decided to get the corona

despite being electric

that was a great little doc

love the idea

i think i'll have to steal it

i don't think he'll mind since he did too ;D

i think summer, during tourist season

would be an excellent time to do that here

just another reason to grab that oly in a few months



yea I'd like to earn a mini income from a typewriter. One of my favorite documentaries, for sure :)



when i get the m9 i am


doing this

i love freeform improv stuff

so making up stories on the fly is my jam

(it's actually how i gm my roleplaying games)

next summer it's ON





~bartender, a coffee if I may? Blue Brews and BBQ is audible in the distance, but I am inside, away from the festivities

No rag-rats, ha

Reminds me, I need to get a new tattoo




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Nice :)



A typewriter would ~ w o n d e r f u l l y ~ match your style.

I tried getting the last word to show across the page the way you do, but I don't know how you manage. The trailing whitespace was omitted in the formatting.

And I hope you find a mechanical typewriter. My mother keep the one she used when she went to university. I spent many a night writing on it. I was amazed to find out that ink ribbons are still being sold to this day! Otherwise, well, I wouldn't have been able to do anything with it.

I am also inclined to the "old word processor" attitude. I have been putting this off, but I -I mean it this time!- am planning to install plan9 on my little laptop, which I will keep as a strictly offline device, and use the acme editor to ... write, write, write! The aesthetic of acme, and the fact that there is --NO WEB BROWSER-- amounts to the best possible computing experience, for me.

Some time ago I realized, the whole range of my needs in terms of structuring information is simple: a hierarchical filesystem (even FAT is good enough), and plaintext files (best done with UTF-8 because I use many languages!).



haha, yeah i do

<<±~| A\LOT |~±>>

of trial/error

i wanted to mess with text formatting

to tease out some feeling to the content

still experimenting

but it's a fun journey

i'm actually practicing to do my

own ascii art so i don't have to

borrow from the internet

i definitely have thought about

how this'll translate to a tyepwriter

i'll definitely have to be more patient

i'm sure, but it'll be awesome to see

it translated to a typewriter

i'm with you on simple and plaintext

it's why i buy cheap notebooks and

bic pens

i like what you can do with the barest

cheapest materials



Have you seen the work of James Cook?



i haven't

but i just looked him up

and oh my

his work is the most

`~\ \ \ W  o  n  d  e  r -f u l ! / / /~´

thing i've seen ALL week

thanks for the heads up <3



I bought this Olympia in some shop while in college:


I absolutely loved it.

About a decade and a half later, a son and/or his friends wrecked it by forcing the carriage back and forth by hand when I was out somewhere.

There will never be forgiveness....



Hell Inquiry, I want to see the present-day writing setup! :D

Olympia is super nice, but I want to see this Chromebook/Linux/laptop/command line dealio I've heard so much about.

photos (please)

by the way, Olympia is compact and sharp as fuck



OOOPS... should have forced markdown "<pre" mode:

My Chromebook is an "Acer Chromebook 15". Underside embossing/sticker includes this verbiage:

| Chromebook Spin 15 CP315-1H series |
|          MODEL NO.: N17Q9          |
|        MFG Date: 2019/03/20        |

Screen shots of three tmux "windows" containing various, well, "stuff":



In the name of additional completeness, the screenshots are of a tmux session within the Linux (Debian, I believe) provided by the "Terminal" app available in the Chromebook Playstore. I attempted to take a screenshot of the pop-out (because I have it defaulting to "hidden") app menu, but apparently it's not a screenshot-able (heh... initially typed 'screenshat'...) thingie, so although I had it displayed, it wasn't included in the screenshot I attempted. <shrugs>

There are likely devilish details I'm no longer remembering. I *think* I had to do something like "enable developer mode", and some related yadda yadda. But we're talking half a decade ago, and I can barely remember yesterday as it is. :-)

But, anyway, I've loved the environment, especially the last year or so when I feel I really started nailing making the terminal environment my main(place to)stay.






oh my my. tmux all day!

I figured you for a dark mode background kind of a guy. Haven't had a white bg on in Desktop mode in...years

mutt is great, too, but haven't delved deep into all the functions/shortcuts, spending most of my poking and testing on Irssi (IRC/CLI). I've grown to be v familiar with, and love, Irssi. Though I'm tempted to get into Quassel Core and their IRC deal. QuasselDroid looks very nice.

I can do a screengrab of the desktop I am at, once I am back on the desktop. The newly minted x2600 II (Acer) replacing the x2600 (HP) will be my go-to and a 15 in ViewSonic portable display, Dell L100 mechanical + mouse. But, it's xfce terminal and Firefox, that's about it.

I now realize I am writing this reply to the wrong message, as the .png's are in a different message - but here we are


> I now realize I am writing this reply to the wrong message,
> as the .png's are in a different message - but here we are

Well, I kind of confused the situation by an initial post that I decided to "delete" by replacing it with some uselessness and posting another reply... but dumbo here *should* have simply replaced the initial reply with the reply I really wanted... but, again, *dumbo*....

> I figured you for a dark mode background kind of a
> guy. Haven't had a white bg on in Desktop mode in...years

I'm not sure "dark mode" ever occurred to me. :-) But it would likely not be possible because there's something about tmux that mucks with displaying mutt correctly... I can't remember how I worked around it, but it was some painful trial and error in .tmux.conf on the heels of reading too many useless online recommendations. Never ceases to amaze me how we imagine the internet could/should be some great place, and yet there's seemingly no way to phrase something like "why are my tmux colors eff'd up in my terminal" that leads to useful answers. I mean, of course I didn't know tmux was the issue, so I didn't include it in my searches at first... but then there was a whiff of others struggling with colors in tmux (due to the way it forces the TERM environment variable value, or some such...)... so then back to the "refining the search query verbiage" game.... iterate half a zillion times... and finally wind up with... well, with seemingly endlessly trying shit until mutt finally displayed passably....

(sheesus... I'm exhausted just trying to remember and type that much out....)

> mutt is great, too, but haven't delved deep into all the
> functions/shortcuts

I wouldn't know for so rarely using it due to people essentially never writing back when I write them at their prominently displayed "contact" email addy.... :-(

Which, well... don't get me going... I'll leave it at how the word 'disillusioned' barely scratches the surface of my feelings about most online others....



oh man

i'm sorry for your loss

that unit looks fantastic

i would be devastated



Yeah, it was something. Wish I could remember all the features. It also had some "symbols from yesteryear" that I'm not remembering. Fantastic typeface.

But, well, the loss was over 20 years ago, so I've obviously had to move on.

It weighed a ton. Vague memories of carrying it from a new/used business supply store back to my dorm room, and up to the sixth floor. Probably drove my roommates out of their minds, as it wasn't a quiet piece of equipment.

I'll have to dig around for examples of things I typed on it. Probably don't have many, though....



>symbols from yesteryear

oooh, i'd dig on that so hard

i wonder what different symbols there could be

i should look them up

yep, the electrix typewriter, while prob lighter

than a manual

still a beast to lug all over town to the next town

(where i live)

on the bus no less

yeah please do

i'd live to see if you don't mind to share



Actually, I was mis-remembering the "symbols from yesteryear" part, confusing the Olympia keyboard with a keyboard on my phone. <blushes>

But the Olympia *did* have a few keyboard oddities which you can see if you magnify the picture at the link I provided:

  • some hard-coded fraction keys (3/4, 1/4, 1/2)
  • a '1/' key (perhaps so one could pencil in a denominator?)
  • the "cents" symbol (as in "dollars and cents")
  • a key for "th", and shifting that key produces a small circle.. for... "degrees" (?)
  • a key in the upper right that I think was some alternate way of representing single and double quotes... perhaps "large" versions of them? (can't remember)

You'll also note that some of the punctuation keys aren't where they are on modern QWERTY's.

An example of the typefont (typeset...? I'm suddenly not remembering the word) will have to wait, as it's likely in some memorabilia in some box in the basement, and there's a guest sleeping in a room down there at the moment... and plus I've somewhat of a big day to get ready for... so... <panting>



hmm, yeah the corona has some fraction keys

as far as i can tell it's the same qwerty layout

it is a late 80s model, so same era as the pc ascent

no worries, if you ever do get a chance keep me in mind



Keep reminding me. I'm seventy seven thousand years old (in joint pain time...), my wife will be reminding me of infinity minus one more things to be attending to, and leaving replies marked unread drives me out of the little mind I've left....




will do, intermittently

you will be haunted by

unread replies to me

as i anxiously await



That better be a promise, dammit! :-)



oh that's a subtle threat, friend

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How the heck did I ever get so online lucky?



your ip address was randomly selected

by a small troll farm in bulgaria

добре дошъл в българския ад, американец!



It's about time! I was starting to feel neglected....



never let other people anywhere near your nice things.



Now *there's* a reason not to blog that I hadn't thought of.... :-)
