Midnight Pub





Ever thought of getting yourself a flip phone?


> So, my phone is (was?) all jacked up, in the keyboard
> region. I sat on it twice in the same day while at
> clubhouse. Since then, it had a gnarly bow in the lower
> left hand corner of the screen. Only noticeable at a
> certain angle, but made a different when typing, when it
> came to Androids autocorrect. It fucked up all the time.

Is this a coy indictment of the internet's fuckuppedness? I type that because I sat on the internet a couple times the same day, and next thing I knew it was bowed, especially at certain angles, and when I'd type others autocorrected me in ways having nothing to do with the original intent/meaning.. and I'll be gosh-danged if I didn't eventually conclude it was fucked up all the time....



ha yes, in fact the entire screen/warp scenario is a parable: the morale of "meaning is lost, translations mis-transmitted, should one not conform to perfect and sincere rigidity"

Unlike the mechanical keyboards, or the physical chicklet keyboards, one much have Divine precision to cut muster on a thing that cannot understand any "less".

In that regard, when the precision, the 0101's and direct exactitude becomes the need or/and focus, the typist (I, in this case) can decide to NOT CARE what the IS or ISNT construed to the (apparent) point of uNdErStAnDiNg, from it (the keyboard, or the Internet).

Parables and particularities aside, I am sure as the suns warmth going back to my DELL L100 starting now. As virtual can gone Jamariquai on me.

"...living un-der-ground!"



Do go on!




We all lived happily ever after

The end



That brought "the end is always near" to mind.







"The End" suddenly sounds like a great name for a place like Midnight Pub.

It certainly was a phenomenal Doors song....



I recently searched "Missouri Truck Stops" out of curiosity and also feeling yearnful for the Mr Fuel stop in Pevely, there is one called Trails End in SW Missouri, I think. A smaller place unlike the super-stops along the interstate.

Reminded me of the Boothill Saloon in Daytona Beach. A place of notorious record, yet so small in size.

In regards to a poetry corner I mentioned there the other day, I think The Cavern would be good. Like The Place in San Fran in the 60s, or The Cellar (same time/place).

I assune you saw that entry, though your reply is to the bowing phone entry, ha.


> I recently searched "Missouri Truck Stops" out of curiosity
> and also feeling yearnful for the Mr Fuel stop in Pevely,
> there is one called Trails End in SW Missouri, I think. A
> smaller place unlike the super-stops along the interstate.

If the internet did exactly one thing well, I'd want it to be providing accurate/complete history of places. Yes, I know that's impossible given the internet being late to the historic game, and how people can't remember shit for shit, but... just sayin' how often I wish I could look back at what a location has been through, so to speak.

> In regards to a poetry corner I mentioned there the other
> day, I think The Cavern would be good. Like The Place in
> San Fran in the 60s, or The Cellar (same time/place).

I love the side fact of a place called "The Cavern" looming large in Beatles history.

> I assune you saw that entry, though your reply is to the
> bowing phone entry, ha.

It's not often one has a bowing phone entry to reply to! Must make the most of!



had the same...if it's broke,

but still works...

why fix it?

my screen looks like the san andreas fault

but the phone still is doing it's life purpose

so i am letting it fulfill it's destiny...

for now



In my case (and in A case) it was warped so slightly that it barely was noticeable. But when I typed, autocorrect did whatever TF it wanted. Nothing like that I had typed

Now, I am typing 60 wpm on a virtual keyboard no problem.

I also modded the Google Keyboard to my specifications - no memorizing words, no custom (learned) dictionaries, no auto fill, no pw or cc info stored, no clipboard suggestions (I just choose Paste on whatever textarea I am pasting), no emoji, and the "tool belt" (BB term) is a quick shortcut to kb Settings, and that's all.

Granted, there are third party (more privacy centric) options out there, that do way worse a job. and of course, mechanical keys on a desktop always scratch the itch proper. Unless I had a typewriter :)

Glad things are better now



Now you got me yearning for "The TypewriterPub", not so much a place as a way of texturally living, say a handful of people who commit to regularly mailing out identical copies of typewritten thoughts to the same four others. Not sure what optimal periodicity might be, but they figure it out. Say it starts as two weeks. So, type on and off, here and there for a couple weeks, make copies, mail to the others on the day two weeks past the previous mail date. Content can be anything, but of course can quote others' latest schtuff.

Maybe it's once a month if participants aren't in the same county (I've no idea how long snail mail takes in that case).

Of course, it likely wouldn't work for married participants, as it's easy to imagine spouses getting jealous about the amount of time poured into the amount of effort.

<wakes up, realizes he was dreaming, ponders breakfast>

Of course, that is too much work, probably. It could be mimicked with an sftp drop, probably - including the part about using real typewriters by taking pictures of the paper.

But then I realize I almost certainly not remain sufficiently committed, and not just because of my wife. There's just so much else going on. I mean, I'd have to give up the internet for starters.... :-)
