Midnight Pub

Asteroid City


…is a wonderful film.

People say it’s full of nothing. Emotional detachment. I disagree. In fact, I’ve connected most to this film more than any other one I’ve ever seen.

People say Wes Anderson focused too much on the visuals. That they distract from what’s actually happening. I disagree. The visuals, in some cases, actually were story.

Metatextual works are often criticized for their lack of a through-line plot. I almost decide how much I like a movie based on how hard it is to follow… this makes you think about what you’re watching!! Why else would you spend 90 minutes (and more) just being fed a storyline? That seems dull to me.

I’m a sucker for hipster movies, so I could absolutely be biased, but I think it’s a wonderful film.


I love Wes Anderson as a director. I can't help but think that his movies are easily recognizable by how symmetrical that they are. Does he use the golden ratio to make them look pictorially pleasing?



From what I know, he does whatever it takes to make it symmetrical. One of his editors said that most scenes are composited from multiple takes, sometimes upwards of 20, to get it right. For example, the shot in Asteroid City where Augie is telling his children that their mother has passed was composed of somewhere around 25 shots individually... Something like that, anyways. I don't know if he's ever specifically mentioned the golden ratio but his films absolutely make use of it.



Me and my friend tried to get through Warhol's "Empire" at one time (8 hours of staring at the Empire State Bldg), but only made it two hours in.

Oddly, I think he released a silent version, too



A cohost of a movie podcast I listen to (Horror Vanguard) watched all of "Logistics" (2012). The runtime is 35 days and 17 hours, and covers in real-time the manufacture of a pedometer in Shenzhen and its shipment to Stockholm (but in reverse-chronological order, the film-makers travel from the store where they buy the gadget, to the factory, via container ship).

I mean, obviously he had it on in the background while doing other stuff.
