Midnight Pub





I've been listening to a lot of Black Sabbath these days.

I guess the times require it.



I used to refer to the early COVID days as The Black Ages, and I think many felt likewise in regards to "spirits". I've always been a dark(er) type of guy, and the black clothes have been a goal of mine since I was a kid. Only once before in life has my wardrobe been entirely black, I am there again, happy about it

as dark as my mindset is, when I am around others I tend to try to be forgettable. My low voice (suspected vocal dysmorphia) is both content and indifferent, warm and tired. Few words, there gone and (hopefully) forgotten.

all is well, though. The Web and personal stability is all I can ask for, and happy to have

[edit: removed the reference to The Dog painting (Francisco de Goya) as it was out of context (great painting though)]



Quaint. Ephemeral. Perfect.



ty ty :)



my grandparents live in rural ok

there was a rooster nearby

who crowed constantly

all times of the night and day

we used to joke he must be confused

...or he just really liked fucking with us
