In case this might be of interest:
kv4p HT: Turn your Android phone into a modern ham radio transceiver~
In case this might be of interest:
kv4p HT: Turn your Android phone into a modern ham radio transceiverthat's pretty nice
been searching more and more into radio stuff lately - and broadcastify have been cool discoveries. Seems RR is like that of head-fi for audiophiles for the Arch Wiki is for Linux users. Tons of info.
Still set for a mini CB in Nov, no clue which one - so many to choose from! Likely a Cobra 19 Mini w/ base station antenna. is still the coolest discovery in all things radio for me, though
Deleting entries?!
on an archive page, it amounted to one complete page - no more no less
good timing?
two more pages, but Ill wait for m15o to make the mass-delete feature for that task
In idea if the mass delete feature includes blowing away posts that have comments/replies?
I wonder, because in the spirit of:
POSSE: Reclaiming social media in a fragmented worldit would cool to occasionally post here to say "hey, have a look at [such and such a page at] my site", and then delete that post after a day or two.