Midnight Pub

People can be baffling


It kind of boggles my mind that "a people" (in a tribal sense) on the one hand want to shift society in a direction more tolerant/inclusive of "their kind", and yet choose lifestyles and/or practices that guarantee there'll be less of them in the future than what might have been to be influencing that shift, including:

See how such means less of them than there might have been in the future?

Not sure what to make of that.


I don't believe in the idea that my one life should be donated towards the cause of furthering the human race through childbirth and nothing else. Being queer, loving my girlfriend, and learning more about the world through science is what makes me happy and makes me feel fulfilled.

Also queer folk can have children.

Love is love, women aren't incubators for the human race, and mental health matters.



> Also queer folk can have children.

I'd forgotten that, and thus stand corrected.

Thanks for replying!



the world has become so strange, people think only of their own desires, and little else. they assume automatically that what THEY want, shall be good for the whole world, when that is not the case at all.



Sounds like the kind of stuff that what precedes a fall is made of....



Social atomization has ensured very few humans think of things in terms of what's best for their people. Most humans' priorities today are warped beyond recognition or repair. Short-term creature comfort is treated as the highest of all ideals.



Yeah, but what do you know? You don't even know a manificent, florescent lights lit beige office space when you see one! <KIDDING!!!> :-)



Good point 🤔
