Hello. Welcome to the Midnight. The barkeep mixes a mean White Lady.
And don't mind the cat. Smudge is something of a regular.
So I finally made it. I went to the city from my outskirts location. And after some long wanted shopping and staring at the shiny buildings of downtown, I found the small alley. And the sign "The Midnight". And in my pocket had been patiently waiting the little voodoo to actually enter. Nice. Good to be here.
Hello. Welcome to the Midnight. The barkeep mixes a mean White Lady.
And don't mind the cat. Smudge is something of a regular.
Welcome to the Midnight Pub, ew. You will find it comfortable, friendly and welcoming. In no time you will become a regular like us all. Grab a seat and feel free to join in on the conversation.
"Hey bartender get ew whatever he wants, on me. I will have your best microbrew, thank you!"