Welcome, fellow stopped-reading-the-news-to-ease-anxiety!
(The stranger ambles to the bar and quietly asks if they serve Tea?)
Good evening all, I hope you are well.
Nice to find an old public house, especially by accident. Somewhere to forget the stresses and worries of the *other place* for a while.
I was looking for text only news sites. I am having trouble with anxiety but need to be informed. Found a fascianting niche of text only sites, and the alley way to this very bar. A welcome distraction.
I recall some advice that when meeting new acquaintances 'to avoid money, religion or politics'. Sound advice.
But what's left? Sports? The Weather?
Forgive me while I learn the ropes.
Any sugar bartender?
Croeso a noswaith dda! (Welcome and good evening!) It's a fairly cozy place around here and ~bartender will be happy to brew you a cuppa, I'm sure :)
I am curious what other news text based sites you have found?
I may add a few of these to my pub page, and some of the other text sites I've found.
Hello, good you found the door. Have you seen the beast in the back? Or that unbelievable computer/gadget store round the corner? Got me a box of very old controllers the other day ;-) Are you into soldering irons and stuff like that?
~bartender? I'll go for a stout, if you would please be so kind as to ...
Beast out back? So that's where Tiddles got too? Just wait till the next new moon and put some cold custard down...
Ah, soldering irons. Alas been a couple of decades since I brandished one. A launch control box for model rockets, more style over substance: Arming key switch, large metal toggle switch, and the predictable big button. Worked a treat until the day the cables stayed attached to the rocket...
What else is further down the alley?
And ~bartender, let me get this one.