Midnight Pub

If I were dictator....


I've come to an important crossroads in my relationship with/to the rest of humanity.

Were I dictator of the world, my first decree would be a death penalty for anyone that puts garbage/trash in a "recyclable bin", and vice versa.

No reasons. No excuses.

Matter of fact, the next thing that makes it into that trash bin is the carcass....

<takes deep breath>


<takes another deep breath>

Okay. A couple tenant issues wound up stuck in my proverbial craw this afternoon. Sorry for the textural violence.... :-(


The shopping cart test is more important.



Huh! I'd not heard of the "shopping cart test", despite having thought along the lines of its essence scores of times over the course of my life....

I worked at a grocery store briefly in the days of my youth, and rather enjoyed collecting the carts - amidst thoughts of "What a bunch of fucking lazy asses!", of course. But stringing long chains of them together, and muscling them places while surrounded by both stationary and moving people/vehicles seemed a fun challenge.



Dear Sir/Madam,

We the members of the PFT would like to petition your government to immediately ban all loud leafblowers in favour of simply using rakes, and to also permit the usage of cruel and unusual punishment against those who drive needless loud vehicles such as naked motorbikes, Harleys, and people who play loud music with heavy base in their cars with the windows open.


The PFT (People For Tetris)



<pulls out his suspiciously sharp and handled magic wand>

<wiggles his nose like Samantha>

<crosses his arms like Jeanie>


There we go! All better! :-)



I recycle almost religiously, but wish that the state of recycling facilities were better:




If this is the only act that brings forth the death penalty in the Inquiry Regime, then I can live with/by this, and not worry about other small/petty crimes.

Would weed be legal in this reign of recyclable political ethos? If so, I will Vote For Inquiry.

In fact, "smoke weed and recycle" would be a fabulous slogan for any modern day politician. And I am actually being fairly serious about that :)

Hope you're doing good, Inq



Weed would not only be legal, but THC would be considered an important vitamin/nutrient begging for the populace to dose unto a minimum daily requirement.

Love the slogan!



I agree with people putting trash in with the recyclables. But vice versa? Sometimes you just can't get that last bit of oil off the container for your takeout chicken korma, and the plastic goes in the trash :(



Yeah, I might not have thought the recyclables in the trash sufficiently through.

BUT.. I have gone through periods of life when I was willing to make way more effort to clean recyclables.

Now I'm much more like "Fuck that! I'll do me some Midnight Pub instead - thank ya veddy much!" :-)
