I'm doing well! I just got back from a lovely conversation at a coffee shop with a friend of mine and his wife, whom I'd never met before. We talked mostly about books, and scholarship, and the viability of the 'Cosmic Horror' genre in the present day.
It's nice and sunny where I am, with an ample supply of gargantuan, fluffy clouds all over the sky. While waiting for my bus home I thought about the spiritual assumption some people make that, although they can't remember it, they must have deliberately chosen their life; that they had examined all of its events in advance and understood that it all works out for the best. The purpose of adopting such a belief can't be its truthfulness, naturally, but instead a kind of intentional exposition to your own existence. The thought gave me some comfort.
I'm fortunate to have a good bit of free time today. I'm hoping to do some reading and writing before meeting up with my writers' cohort in the evening.
I won't have anything to drink or eat just now, ~bartender. I think I'll find a cozy nook in to read in, for a while...maybe Hölderlin, today—good stuff for when it's sunny.